Source code for jnpr.junos.utils.scp

from __future__ import absolute_import

import paramiko
from scp import SCPClient

Secure Copy Utility

[docs]class SCP(object): """ The SCP utility is used to conjunction with :class:`jnpr.junos.utils.sw.SW` when transferring the Junos image to the device. The :class:`SCP` can be used for other secure-copy use-cases as well; it is implemented to support the python *context-manager* pattern. For example:: from jnpr.junos.utils.scp import SCP with SCP(dev, progress=True) as scp: scp.put(package, remote_path) """
[docs] def __init__(self, junos, **scpargs): """ Constructor that wraps :py:mod:`paramiko` and :py:mod:`scp` related objects. :param Device junos: the Device object :param kvargs scpargs: any additional args to be passed to paramiko SCP """ self._junos = junos self._scpargs = scpargs self._by10pct = 0 self._user_progress = self._scpargs.get('progress') if self._user_progress is True: self._scpargs['progress'] = self._scp_progress elif callable(self._user_progress): # User case also define progress with 3 params, the way scp module # expects. Function will take path, total size, transferred. # if self._user_progress.func_code.co_argcount == 3: self._scpargs['progress'] = self._user_progress else: # this will override the function _progress defined for this # class to use progress provided by user. self._progress = lambda report: \ self._user_progress(self._junos, report) self._scpargs['progress'] = self._scp_progress
def _progress(self, report): """ simple progress report function """ print self._junos.hostname + ": " + report def _scp_progress(self, _path, _total, _xfrd): # calculate current percentage xferd pct = int(float(_xfrd) / float(_total) * 100) # if 10% more has been copied, then print a message if 0 == (pct % 10) and pct != self._by10pct: self._by10pct = pct self._progress( "%s: %s / %s (%s%%)" % (_path, _xfrd, _total, str(pct)))
[docs] def open(self, **scpargs): """ Creates an instance of the scp object and return to caller for use. .. note:: This method uses the same username/password authentication credentials as used by :class:`jnpr.junos.device.Device`. .. warning:: The :class:`jnpr.junos.device.Device` ``ssh_private_key_file`` option is currently **not** supported. .. todo:: add support for ``ssh_private_key_file``. :returns: SCPClient object """ #@@@ should check for multi-calls to connect to ensure we don't keep #@@@ opening new connections junos = self._junos self._ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self._ssh.load_system_host_keys() self._ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # use junos._hostname since this will be correct if we are going # through a jumphost. config = {} ssh_config = getattr(junos, '_sshconf_path') if ssh_config: config = paramiko.SSHConfig() config.parse(open(ssh_config)) config = config.lookup(junos._hostname) sock = None if config.get("proxycommand"): sock = paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand(config.get("proxycommand")) self._ssh.connect(hostname=junos._hostname, port=( 22, int( junos._port))[ junos._hostname == 'localhost'], username=junos._auth_user, password=junos._auth_password, sock=sock ) return SCPClient(self._ssh.get_transport(), **scpargs)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the ssh/scp connection to the device """ self._ssh.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTEXT MANAGER # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __enter__(self): return**self._scpargs) def __exit__(self, exc_ty, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()