Source code for jnpr.junos.utils.start_shell

import paramiko
from select import select
import re

_RECVSZ = 1024

[docs]class StartShell(object): """ Junos shell execution utility. This utility is written to support the "context manager" design pattern. For example:: def _ssh_exec(self, command): with StartShell(self._dev) as sh: got = ok = sh.last_ok return (ok, got) """
[docs] def __init__(self, nc): """ Utility Constructor :param Device nc: The Device object """ self._nc = nc
[docs] def wait_for(self, this=_SHELL_PROMPT): """ Wait for the result of the command, expecting **this** prompt. :param str this: expected string/pattern. :returns: resulting string of data :rtype: str .. warning:: need to add a timeout safeguard """ chan = self._chan got = [] while True: rd, wr, err = select([chan], [], [], _SELECT_WAIT) if rd: data = chan.recv(_RECVSZ) got.append(data) if'{0}\s?$'.format(this), data): break return got
[docs] def send(self, data): """ Send the command **data** followed by a newline character. :param str data: the data to write out onto the shell. :returns: result of SSH channel send """ self._chan.send(data) self._chan.send('\n')
[docs] def open(self): """ Open an ssh-client connection and issue the 'start shell' command to drop into the Junos shell (csh). This process opens a :class:`paramiko.SSHClient` instance. """ junos = self._nc client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(hostname=junos.hostname, port=(22, junos._port)[junos.hostname == 'localhost'], username=junos._auth_user, password=junos._auth_password, ) chan = client.invoke_shell() self._client = client self._chan = chan got = self.wait_for('(%|>)') if not got[-1].endswith(_SHELL_PROMPT): self.send('start shell') self.wait_for(_SHELL_PROMPT)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the SSH client channel """ self._chan.close() self._client.close()
[docs] def run(self, command, this=_SHELL_PROMPT): """ Run a shell command and wait for the response. The return is a tuple. The first item is True/False if exit-code is 0. The second item is the output of the command. :param str command: the shell command to execute :param str this: the exected shell-prompt to wait for :returns: result of the executed shell command (str) .. note:: as a *side-effect* this method will set the ``self.last_ok`` property. This property is set to ``True`` if ``$?`` is "0"; indicating the last shell command was successful. """ # run the command and capture the output self.send(command) got = self.wait_for(this) # use $? to get the exit code of the command self.send('echo $?') rc = ''.join(self.wait_for(this)) self.last_ok = True if rc.find('0') > 0 else False return got # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTEXT MANAGER # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_ty, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()