Source code for jnpr.junos.cfg.user_ssh_key

# 3rd-party modules
from lxml.builder import E

# local module
from jnpr.junos.cfg import Resource
from jnpr.junos import jxml as JXML

[docs]class UserSSHKey(Resource): """ [edit system login user <name> authentication <key-type> <key-value> ] Resource name: tuple(<key-type>, <key-value>) <key-type> : ['ssh-dsa', 'ssh-rsa'] <key-value> : SSH public key string (usually something very long) Resource manager utilities: load_key - allows you to load an ssh-key from a file or str """ # there are no properties, since the name <key-value> constitutes the # actual ssk key data, yo! PROPERTIES = [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML readers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _xml_at_top(self): key_t, key_v = self._name return E.system(E.login(E.user(, E.authentication( E(key_t, ) )))) def _xml_at_res(self, xml): return xml.find('.//authentication/%s' % self._name[0]) def _xml_to_py(self, has_xml, has_py): Resource._r_has_xml_status(has_xml, has_py) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTILITY FUNCTIONS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_key(self, path=None, key_value=None): """ Adds a new ssh-key to the user authentication. You can provide either the path to the ssh-key file, or the contents of they key (useful for loading the same key on many devices) :path: (optional) path to public ssh-key file on the local server, :key_value: (optional) the contents of the ssh public key """ if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("must be a resource-manager!") if path is None and key_value is None: raise RuntimeError("You must provide either path or key_value") if path is not None: # snarf the file into key_value, yo! with open(path, 'r') as f: key_value = # extract some data from the key value, this will either # be 'ssh-rsa' or 'ssh-dss'. we need to decode this to set # the type correctly in the RPC. vt = key_value[0:7] key_map = {'ssh-rsa': 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss': 'ssh-dsa'} key_type = key_map.get(vt) if key_type is None: raise RuntimeError("Unknown ssh public key file type: %s" % vt) # at this point we are going to add a new key, so really what we are # doing is accessing a new instance of this class and # doing a write, but just a touch since there are no properties, yo! new_key = self[(key_type, key_value)] return new_key.write(touch=True) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Manager List, Catalog # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _r_list(self): # the key list comes from the parent object. self._rlist = self.P['$sshkeys'] def _r_catalog(self): # no catalog but the keys self._rcatalog = dict((k, None) for k in self.list)