Source code for jnpr.junos.rpcmeta

import re
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E

[docs]class _RpcMetaExec(object): # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, junos): """ ~PRIVATE CLASS~ creates an RPC meta-executor object bound to the provided ez-netconf :junos: object """ self._junos = junos # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # get_config # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_config(self, filter_xml=None, options={}): """ retrieve configuration from the Junos device :filter_xml: is options, defines what to retrieve. if omitted then the entire configuration is returned :options: is a dict, creates attributes for the RPC """ rpc = E('get-configuration', options) if filter_xml is not None: # wrap the provided filter with toplevel <configuration> if # it does not already have one cfg_tag = 'configuration' at_here = rpc if cfg_tag == filter_xml.tag else E(cfg_tag) at_here.append(filter_xml) if at_here is not rpc: rpc.append(at_here) return self._junos.execute(rpc) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # load_config # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_config(self, contents, **options): """ loads :contents: onto the Junos device, does not commit the change. :options: is a dictionary of XML attributes to set within the <load-configuration> RPC. The :contents: are interpreted by the :options: as follows: format='text' and action='set', then :contents: is a string containing a series of "set" commands format='text', then :contents: is a string containing Junos configuration in curly-brace/text format <otherwise> :contents: is XML structure """ rpc = E('load-configuration', options) if ('action' in options) and (options['action'] == 'set'): rpc.append(E('configuration-set', contents)) elif ('format' in options) and (options['format'] == 'text'): rpc.append(E('configuration-text', contents)) else: # otherwise, it's just XML Element if contents.tag != 'configuration': etree.SubElement(rpc, 'configuration').append(contents) else: rpc.append(contents) return self._junos.execute(rpc) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # cli # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def cli(self, command, format='text'): rpc = E('command', command) if 'text' == format: rpc.attrib['format'] = 'text' return self._junos.execute(rpc) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # method missing # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __getattr__(self, rpc_cmd_name): """ metaprograms a function to execute the :rpc_cmd_name: the caller will be passing (*vargs, **kvargs) on execution of the meta function; these are the specific rpc command arguments(**kvargs) and options bound as XML attributes (*vargs) """ rpc_cmd = re.sub('_', '-', rpc_cmd_name) def _exec_rpc(*vargs, **kvargs): # create the rpc as XML command rpc = etree.Element(rpc_cmd) # kvargs are the command parameter/values if kvargs: for arg_name, arg_value in kvargs.items(): if arg_name not in ['dev_timeout', 'normalize']: arg_name = re.sub('_', '-', arg_name) if isinstance(arg_value, (tuple, list)): for a in arg_value: arg = etree.SubElement(rpc, arg_name) if a is not True: arg.text = a else: arg = etree.SubElement(rpc, arg_name) if arg_value is not True: arg.text = arg_value # vargs[0] is a dict, command options like format='text' if vargs: for k, v in vargs[0].items(): if v is not True: rpc.attrib[k] = v # gather any decorator keywords timeout = kvargs.get('dev_timeout') normalize = kvargs.get('normalize') dec_args = {} if timeout is not None: dec_args['dev_timeout'] = timeout if normalize is not None: dec_args['normalize'] = normalize # now invoke the command against the # associated :junos: device and return # the results per :junos:execute() return self._junos.execute(rpc, **dec_args) # metabind help() and the function name to the :rpc_cmd_name: # provided by the caller ... that's about all we can do, yo! _exec_rpc.__doc__ = rpc_cmd _exec_rpc.__name__ = rpc_cmd_name # return the metafunction that the caller will in-turn invoke return _exec_rpc # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # callable # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __call__(self, rpc_cmd, **kvargs): """ callable will execute the provided :rpc_cmd: against the attached :junos: object and return the RPC response per :junos:execute() kvargs is simply passed 'as-is' to :junos:execute() """ return self._junos.execute(rpc_cmd, **kvargs)