Source code for jnpr.junos.utils.config

# utils/
import os
import re
import warnings

# 3rd-party modules
from lxml import etree
from ncclient.operations import RPCError

# package modules
from jnpr.junos.exception import *
from jnpr.junos import jxml as JXML
from jnpr.junos.utils.util import Util

Configuration Utilities

[docs]class Config(Util): """ Overivew of Configuration Utilities: * :meth:`commit`: commit changes * :meth:`commit_check`: perform the commit check operation * :meth:`diff`: return the diff string between running and candidate config * :meth:`load`: load changes into the candidate config * :meth:`lock`: take an exclusive lock on the candidate config * :meth:`pdiff`: prints the diff string (debug/helper) * :meth:`rescue`: controls "rescue configuration" * :meth:`rollback`: perform the load rollback command * :meth:`unlock`: release the exclusive lock """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # commit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def commit(self, **kvargs): """ Commit a configuration. :param str comment: If provided logs this comment with the commit. :param int confirm: If provided activates confirm safeguard with provided value as timeout (minutes). :param int timeout: If provided the command will wait for completion using the provided value as timeout (seconds). By default the device timeout is used. :param bool sync: On dual control plane systems, requests that the candidate configuration on one control plane be copied to the other control plane, checked for correct syntax, and committed on both Routing Engines. :param bool force_sync: On dual control plane systems, forces the candidate configuration on one control plane to be copied to the other control plane. :param bool full: When true requires all the daemons to check and evaluate the new configuration. :param bool detail: When true return commit detail as XML :returns: * ``True`` when successful * Commit detail XML (when detail is True) :raises CommitError: When errors detected in candidate configuration. You can use the Exception errs variable to identify the specific problems .. warning:: If the function does not receive a reply prior to the timeout a RpcTimeoutError will be raised. It is possible the commit was successful. Manual verification may be required. """ rpc_args = {} # if a comment is provided, then include that in the RPC comment = kvargs.get('comment') if comment: rpc_args['log'] = comment # if confirm is provided, then setup the RPC args # so that Junos will either use the default confirm # timeout (confirm=True) or a specific timeout # (confirm=<minutes>) confirm = kvargs.get('confirm') if confirm: rpc_args['confirmed'] = True confirm_val = str(confirm) if 'True' != confirm_val: rpc_args['confirm-timeout'] = confirm_val # if a timeout is provided, then include that in the RPC timeout = kvargs.get('timeout') if timeout: rpc_args['dev_timeout'] = timeout # Check for force_sync and sync if kvargs.get('force_sync'): rpc_args['synchronize'] = True rpc_args['force-synchronize'] = True elif kvargs.get('sync'): rpc_args['synchronize'] = True # Check for full if kvargs.get('full'): rpc_args['full'] = True rpc_varg = [] detail = kvargs.get('detail') if detail: rpc_varg = [{'detail': 'detail'}] # dbl-splat the rpc_args since we want to pass key/value to metaexec # if there is a commit/check error, this will raise an execption try: rsp = self.rpc.commit_configuration(*rpc_varg, **rpc_args) except RpcTimeoutError: raise except RpcError as err: # jnpr.junos exception if err.rsp is not None and err.rsp.find('ok') is not None: # this means there are warnings, but no errors return True else: raise CommitError(cmd=err.cmd, rsp=err.rsp, errs=err.errs) except Exception as err: # so the ncclient gives us something I don't want. I'm going to # convert it and re-raise the commit error if hasattr(err, 'xml') and isinstance(err.xml, etree._Element): raise CommitError(rsp=err.xml) else: raise if detail: return rsp else: return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # commit check # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def commit_check(self): """ Perform a commit check. If the commit check passes, this function will return ``True``. If the commit-check results in warnings, they are reported and available in the Exception errs. :returns: ``True`` if commit-check is successful (no errors) :raises CommitError: When errors detected in candidate configuration. You can use the Exception errs variable to identify the specific problems :raises RpcError: When underlying ncclient has an error """ try: self.rpc.commit_configuration(check=True) except RpcTimeoutError: raise except RpcError as err: # jnpr.junos exception if err.rsp is not None and err.rsp.find('ok') is not None: # this means there is a warning, but no errors return True else: raise CommitError(cmd=err.cmd, rsp=err.rsp, errs=err.errs) except Exception as err: # :err: is from ncclient, so extract the XML data # and convert into dictionary return JXML.rpc_error(err.xml) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # show | compare rollback <number|0*> # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def diff(self, rb_id=0): """ Retrieve a diff (patch-format) report of the candidate config against either the current active config, or a different rollback. :param int rb_id: rollback id [0..49] :returns: * ``None`` if there is no difference * ascii-text (str) if there is a difference """ if rb_id < 0 or rb_id > 49: raise ValueError("Invalid rollback #" + str(rb_id)) rsp = self.rpc.get_configuration(dict( compare='rollback', rollback=str(rb_id), format='text' )) diff_txt = rsp.find('configuration-output').text return None if diff_txt == "\n" else diff_txt
[docs] def pdiff(self, rb_id=0): """ Helper method that calls ``print`` on the diff (patch-format) between the current candidate and the provided rollback. :param int rb_id: the rollback id value [0-49] :returns: ``None`` """ print self.diff(rb_id) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper on loading configs # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load(self, *vargs, **kvargs): """ Loads changes into the candidate configuration. Changes can be in the form of strings (text,set,xml), XML objects, and files. Files can be either static snippets of configuration or Jinja2 templates. When using Jinja2 Templates, this method will render variables into the templates and then load the resulting change; i.e. "template building". :param object vargs[0]: The content to load. If the contents is a string, the framework will attempt to automatically determine the format. If it is unable to determine the format then you must specify the **format** parameter. If the content is an XML object, then this method assumes you've structured it correctly; and if not an Exception will be raised. :param str path: Path to file of configuration on the local server. The path extension will be used to determine the format of the contents: * "conf","text","txt" is curly-text-style * "set" - ascii-text, set-style * "xml" - ascii-text, XML .. note:: The format can specifically set using **format**. :param str format: Determines the format of the contents. Refer to options from the **path** description. :param bool overwrite: Determines if the contents completely replace the existing configuration. Default is ``False``. .. note:: This option cannot be used if **format** is "set". :param bool merge: If set to ``True`` will set the load-config action to merge. the default load-config action is 'replace' :param str template_path: Similar to the **path** parameter, but this indicates that the file contents are ``Jinja2`` format and will require template-rendering. .. note:: This parameter is used in conjunction with **template_vars**. The template filename extension will be used to determine the format-style of the contents, or you can override using **format**. :param jinja2.Template template: A Jinja2 Template object. Same description as *template_path*, except this option you provide the actual Template, rather than a path to the template file. :param dict template_vars: Used in conjunction with the other template options. This parameter contains a dictionary of variables to render into the template. :returns: RPC-reply as XML object. :raises: ConfigLoadError: When errors detected while loading candidate configuration. You can use the Exception errs variable to identify the specific problems """ rpc_xattrs = {} rpc_xattrs['format'] = 'xml' # default to XML format rpc_xattrs['action'] = 'replace' # replace is default action rpc_contents = None # support the ability to completely replace the Junos configuration # note: this cannot be used if format='set', per Junos API. overwrite = kvargs.get('overwrite', False) if True == overwrite: rpc_xattrs['action'] = 'override' elif kvargs.get('merge') is True: del rpc_xattrs['action'] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # private helpers ... # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _lformat_byext(path): """ determine the format style from the file extension """ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext == '.xml': return 'xml' if ext in ['.conf', '.text', '.txt']: return 'text' if ext in ['.set']: return 'set' raise ValueError("Unknown file contents from extension: %s" % ext) def _lset_format(kvargs, rpc_xattrs): """ setup the kvargs/rpc_xattrs """ # when format is given, setup the xml attrs appropriately if kvargs['format'] == 'set': if True == overwrite: raise ValueError( "conflicting args, cannot use 'set' with 'overwrite'") rpc_xattrs['action'] = 'set' kvargs['format'] = 'text' rpc_xattrs['format'] = kvargs['format'] def _lset_fromfile(path): """ setup the kvargs/rpc_xattrs based on path """ if 'format' not in kvargs: # we use the extension to determine the format kvargs['format'] = _lformat_byext(path) _lset_format(kvargs, rpc_xattrs) def _lset_from_rexp(rpc): """ setup the kvargs/rpc_xattrs using string regular expression """ if'^\s*<.*>$', rpc, re.MULTILINE): kvargs['format'] = 'xml' elif'^\s*(set|delete|replace|rename)\s', rpc): kvargs['format'] = 'set' elif'^[a-z:]*\s*\w+\s+{', rpc, re.I) and'.*}\s*$', rpc): kvargs['format'] = 'text' def try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs): try: got = self.rpc.load_config(rpc_contents, **rpc_xattrs) except RpcTimeoutError as err: raise err except RpcError as err: raise ConfigLoadError(cmd=err.cmd, rsp=err.rsp, errs=err.errs) # Something unexpected happened - raise it up except Exception as err: raise return got # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # end-of: private helpers # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'format' in kvargs: _lset_format(kvargs, rpc_xattrs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if contents are provided as vargs[0], then process that as XML or str # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(vargs): # caller is providing the content directly. rpc_contents = vargs[0] if isinstance(rpc_contents, str): if 'format' not in kvargs: _lset_from_rexp(rpc_contents) if 'format' in kvargs: _lset_format(kvargs, rpc_xattrs) else: raise RuntimeError( "Not able to resolve the config format " "You must define the format of the contents explicitly " "to the function. Ex: format='set'") if kvargs['format'] == 'xml': # covert the XML string into XML structure rpc_contents = etree.XML(rpc_contents) return try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs) # ~! UNREACHABLE !~# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if path is provided, use the static-config file # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'path' in kvargs: # then this is a static-config file. load that as our rpc_contents rpc_contents = open(kvargs['path'], 'rU').read() _lset_fromfile(kvargs['path']) if rpc_xattrs['format'] == 'xml': # covert the XML string into XML structure rpc_contents = etree.XML(rpc_contents) return try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs) # ~! UNREACHABLE !~# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if template_path is provided, then jinja2 load the template, and # render the results. if template_vars are provided, use those # in the render process. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'template_path' in kvargs: path = kvargs['template_path'] template = rpc_contents = template.render(kvargs.get('template_vars', {})) _lset_fromfile(path) if rpc_xattrs['format'] == 'xml': # covert the XML string into XML structure rpc_contents = etree.XML(rpc_contents) return try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs) # ~! UNREACHABLE !~# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # if template is provided, then this is a pre-loaded jinja2 Template # object. Use the template.filename to determine the format style # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'template' in kvargs: template = kvargs['template'] path = template.filename rpc_contents = template.render(kvargs.get('template_vars', {})) _lset_fromfile(path) if rpc_xattrs['format'] == 'xml': # covert the XML string into XML structure rpc_contents = etree.XML(rpc_contents) return try_load(rpc_contents, rpc_xattrs) # ~! UNREACHABLE !~# raise RuntimeError("Unhandled load request") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # config exclusive # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def lock(self): """ Attempts an exclusive lock on the candidate configuration. This is a non-blocking call. :returns: ``True`` always when successful :raises LockError: When the lock cannot be obtained """ try: self.rpc.lock_configuration() except Exception as err: if isinstance(err, RpcError): raise LockError(rsp=err.rsp) else: # :err: is from ncclient raise LockError(rsp=JXML.remove_namespaces(err.xml)) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # releases the exclusive lock # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def unlock(self): """ Unlocks the candidate configuration. :returns: ``True`` always when successful :raises UnlockError: If you attempt to unlock a configuration when you do not own the lock """ try: self.rpc.unlock_configuration() except Exception as err: if isinstance(err, RpcError): raise UnlockError(rsp=err.rsp) else: # :err: is from ncclient raise UnlockError(rsp=JXML.remove_namespaces(err.xml)) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rollback <number|0*> # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rollback(self, rb_id=0): """ Rollback the candidate config to either the last active or a specific rollback number. :param str rb_id: The rollback id value [0-49], defaults to ``0``. :returns: ``True`` always when successful :raises ValueError: When invalid rollback id is given """ if rb_id < 0 or rb_id > 49: raise ValueError("Invalid rollback #" + str(rb_id)) self.rpc.load_configuration(dict( compare='rollback', rollback=str(rb_id) )) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rescue configuration # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rescue(self, action, format='text'): """ Perform action on the "rescue configuration". :param str action: identifies the action as follows: * "get" - retrieves/returns the rescue configuration via **format** * "save" - saves current configuration as rescue * "delete" - removes the rescue configuration * "reload" - loads the rescue config as candidate (no-commit) :param str format: identifies the return format when **action** is "get": * "text" (default) - ascii-text format * "xml" - as XML object :return: * When **action** is 'get', then the contents of the rescue configuration is returned in the specified *format*. If there is no rescue configuration saved, then the return value is ``None``. * ``True`` when **action** is "save". * ``True`` when **action** is "delete". .. note:: ``True`` regardless if a rescue configuration exists. * When **action** is 'reload', return is ``True`` if a rescue configuration exists, and ``False`` otherwise. .. note:: The rescue configuration is only loaded as the candidate, and not committed. You must commit to make the rescue configuration active. :raises ValueError: If **action** is not one of the above """ def _rescue_save(): """ Saves the current configuration as the rescue configuration """ self.rpc.request_save_rescue_configuration() return True def _rescue_delete(): """ Deletes the existing resuce configuration. """ # note that this will result in an "OK" regardless if # a rescue config exists or not. self.rpc.request_delete_rescue_configuration() return True def _rescue_get(): """ Retrieves the rescue configuration, returning it in either :format: 'text' or 'xml'. Returns either the 'text'/'xml' if the rescue config exists, or :None: otherwise """ try: got = self.rpc.get_rescue_information(format=format) return got.findtext('configuration-information/configuration-output') \ if 'text' == format else got except: return None def _rescue_reload(): """ Loads the rescue configuration as the active candidate. This action does *not* commit the configuration; use the :commit(): method for that purpose. Returns the XML response if the rescue configuration exists, or :False: otherwise """ try: return self.rpc.load_configuration({'rescue': 'rescue'}) except: return False def _unsupported_action(): raise ValueError("unsupported action: {0}".format(action)) result = { 'get': _rescue_get, 'save': _rescue_save, 'delete': _rescue_delete, 'reload': _rescue_reload }.get(action, _unsupported_action)() return result
[docs] def __init__(self, dev, mode=None): """ :param str mode: Can be used *only* when creating Config object using context manager * "private" - Work in private database * "dynamic" - Work in dynamic database * "batch" - Work in batch database * "exclusive" - Work with Locking the candidate configuration Example:: # mode can be private/dynamic/exclusive/batch with Config(dev, mode='exclusive') as cu: cu.load('set system services netconf traceoptions file xyz', format='set') print cu.diff() cu.commit() """ self.mode = mode Util.__init__(self, dev=dev)
def __enter__(self): # defining separate functions for each mode so that can be # changed/edited as per the need of corresponding rpc call. def _open_configuration_private(): try: self.rpc.open_configuration(private=True) except RpcError as err: if err.rpc_error['severity'] == 'warning': if err.message != 'uncommitted changes will be discarded on exit': warnings.warn(err.message, RuntimeWarning) return True else: raise err def _open_configuration_dynamic(): self.rpc.open_configuration(dynamic=True) return True def _open_configuration_batch(): try: self.rpc.open_configuration(batch=True) except RpcError as err: if err.rpc_error['severity'] == 'warning': if err.message != 'uncommitted changes will be discarded on exit': warnings.warn(err.message, RuntimeWarning) return True else: raise err def _open_configuration_exclusive(): return self.lock() def _unsupported_option(): if self.mode is not None: raise ValueError("unsupported action: {0}".format(self.mode)) { 'private': _open_configuration_private, 'dynamic': _open_configuration_dynamic, 'batch': _open_configuration_batch, 'exclusive': _open_configuration_exclusive }.get(self.mode, _unsupported_option)() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.mode == 'exclusive': self.unlock() elif self.mode is not None: self.rpc.close_configuration()