Source code for jnpr.junos.device

# stdlib
import os
import types
import platform
import warnings
import traceback

# stdlib, in support of the the 'probe' method
import socket
import datetime
import time
import sys
import json
import re

# 3rd-party packages
from lxml import etree
from ncclient import manager as netconf_ssh
import ncclient.transport.errors as NcErrors
import ncclient.operations.errors as NcOpErrors
from ncclient.operations import RPCError
import paramiko
import jinja2

# local modules
from jnpr.junos.rpcmeta import _RpcMetaExec
from jnpr.junos import exception as EzErrors
from jnpr.junos.facts import *
from jnpr.junos import jxml as JXML
from jnpr.junos.decorators import timeoutDecorator, normalizeDecorator

_MODULEPATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

class _MyTemplateLoader(jinja2.BaseLoader):

    Create a jinja2 template loader class that can be used to
    load templates from all over the filesystem, but defaults
    to the CWD and the 'templates' directory of the module

    def __init__(self):
        self.paths = ['.', os.path.join(_MODULEPATH, 'templates')]

    def get_source(self, environment, template):
        def _in_path(dir):
            return os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, template))

        path = list(filter(_in_path, self.paths))
        if not path:
            raise jinja2.TemplateNotFound(template)

        path = os.path.join(path[0], template)
        mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
        with open(path) as f:
            # You are trying to decode an object that is already decoded.
            # You have a str, there is no need to decode from UTF-8 anymore.
            # open already decodes to Unicode in Python 3 if you open in text mode.
            # If you want to open it as bytes, so that you can then decode,
            # you need to open with mode 'rb'.
            source =
        return source, path, lambda: mtime == os.path.getmtime(path)

_Jinja2ldr = jinja2.Environment(loader=_MyTemplateLoader())

class _Connection(object):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: hostname
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def hostname(self):
        :returns: the host-name of the Junos device.
        return self._hostname if (
            self._hostname != 'localhost') else self.facts.get('hostname')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: user
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def user(self):
        :returns: the login user (str) accessing the Junos device
        return self._auth_user

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: password
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def password(self):
        :returns: ``None`` - do not provide the password
        return None  # read-only

    def password(self, value):
        Change the authentication password value.  This is handy in case
        the calling program needs to attempt different passwords.
        self._auth_password = value

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: logfile
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def logfile(self):
        :returns: exsiting logfile ``file`` object.
        return self._logfile

    def logfile(self, value):
        Assigns an opened file object to the device for logging
        If there is an open logfile, and 'value' is ``None`` or ``False``
        then close the existing file.

        :param file value: An open ``file`` object.

        :returns: the new logfile ``file`` object

        :raises ValueError:
            When **value** is not a ``file`` object
        # got an existing file that we need to close
        if (not value) and (None != self._logfile):
            rc = self._logfile.close()
            self._logfile = False
            return rc

        if sys.version < '3':
            if not isinstance(value, file):
                raise ValueError("value must be a file object")
            import io
            if not isinstance(value, io.TextIOWrapper):
                raise ValueError("value must be a file object")

        self._logfile = value
        return self._logfile

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: timeout
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def timeout(self):
        :returns: the current RPC timeout value (int) in seconds.
        return self._conn.timeout

    def timeout(self, value):
        Used to change the RPC timeout value (default=30 sec).

        :param int value:
            New timeout value in seconds
        self._conn.timeout = value

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: facts
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def facts(self):
        :returns: Device fact dictionary
        return self._facts

    def facts(self, value):
        """ read-only property """
        raise RuntimeError("facts is read-only!")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: port
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def port(self):
        :returns: the port (str) to connect to the Junos device
        return self._port

    def _sshconf_lkup(self):
        if self._ssh_config:
            sshconf_path = os.path.expanduser(self._ssh_config)
            home = os.getenv('HOME')
            if not home:
                return None
            sshconf_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.ssh/config')
        if not os.path.exists(sshconf_path):
            return None
            sshconf = paramiko.SSHConfig()
            with open(sshconf_path, 'r') as fp:
                found = sshconf.lookup(self._hostname)
                self._hostname = found.get('hostname', self._hostname)
                self._port = found.get('port', self._port)
                self._conf_auth_user = found.get('user')
                self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = found.get('identityfile')
            return sshconf_path

    def display_xml_rpc(self, command, format='xml'):
        Executes the CLI command and returns the CLI xml object by default.

        For example::
          print dev.display_xml_rpc('show version').tag
          print dev.display_xml_rpc('show version', format='text')

        :param str command:
          The CLI command to retrieve XML RPC for, e.g. "show version"

        :param str format:
          The return format, by default is XML.  You can optionally select
          "text" to return the XML structure as a string.
            command = command + '| display xml rpc'
            rsp = self.rpc.cli(command)
            if format == 'text':
                encode = None if sys.version < '3' else 'unicode'
                return etree.tostring(rsp[0], encoding=encode)
            return rsp[0]
            return "invalid command: " + command

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Template: retrieves a Jinja2 template
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Template(self, filename, parent=None, gvars=None):
        Used to return a Jinja2 :class:`Template`.

        :param str filename:
            file-path to Jinja2 template file on local device

        :returns: Jinja2 :class:`Template` give **filename**.

        return self._j2ldr.get_template(filename, parent, gvars)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: manages
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def manages(self):
            ``list`` of Resource Managers/Utilities attached to this
            instance using the :meth:`bind` method.
        return self._manages

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # dealing with bind aspects
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def bind(self, *vargs, **kvargs):
        Used to attach things to this Device instance and make them a
        property of the :class:Device instance.  The most common use
        for bind is attaching Utility instances to a :class:Device.
        For example::

            from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config

            dev.bind( cu=Config )
            # ... load some changes

        :param list vargs:
          A list of functions that will get bound as instance methods to
          this Device instance.

          .. warning:: Experimental.

        :param new_property:
          name/class pairs that will create resource-managers bound as
          instance attributes to this Device instance.  See code example above
        if len(vargs):
            for fn in vargs:
                # check for name clashes before binding
                if hasattr(self, fn.__name__):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "request attribute name %s already exists" %
            for fn in vargs:
                # bind as instance method, majik.
                if sys.version < '3':
                        fn.__name__] = types.MethodType(
                        fn.__name__] = types.MethodType(

        # first verify that the names do not conflict with
        # existing object attribute names

        for name in kvargs.keys():
            # check for name-clashes before binding
            if hasattr(self, name):
                raise ValueError(
                    "requested attribute name %s already exists" %

        # now instantiate items and bind to this :Device:
        for name, thing in kvargs.items():
            new_inst = thing(self)
            self.__dict__[name] = new_inst

    def _sshconf_path(self):
        return self._sshconf_lkup()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # probe
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def probe(self, timeout=5, intvtimeout=1):
        Probe the device to determine if the Device can accept a remote
        This method is meant to be called *prior* to :open():
        This method will not work with ssh-jumphost environments.

        :param int timeout:
          The probe will report ``True``/``False`` if the device report
          connectivity within this timeout (seconds)

        :param int intvtimeout:
          Timeout interval on the socket connection. Generally you should not
          change this value, but you can if you want to twiddle the frequency
          of the socket attempts on the connection

        :returns: ``True`` if probe is successful, ``False`` otherwise
        start =
        end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
        probe_ok = True

        while < end:
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                s.connect((self.hostname, int(self._port)))
            elapsed = - start
            probe_ok = False

        return probe_ok

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # cli - for cheating commands :-)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def cli(self, command, format='text', warning=True):
        Executes the CLI command and returns the CLI text output by default.

        :param str command:
          The CLI command to execute, e.g. "show version"

        :param str format:
          The return format, by default is text.  You can optionally select
          "xml" to return the XML structure.

        .. note::
            You can also use this method to obtain the XML RPC command for a
            given CLI command by using the pipe filter ``| display xml rpc``.
            When you do this, the return value is the XML RPC command. For 
            example if you provide as the command ``show version | display xml rpc``,
            you will get back the XML Element ``<get-software-information>``.

        .. warning::
            This function is provided for **DEBUG** purposes only!
            **DO NOT** use this method for general automation purposes as
            that puts you in the realm of "screen-scraping the CLI".  The purpose of
            the PyEZ framework is to migrate away from that tooling pattern.
            Interaction with the device should be done via the RPC function.

        .. warning::
            You cannot use "pipe" filters with **command** such as ``| match``
            or ``| count``, etc.  The only value use of the "pipe" is for the
            ``| display xml rpc`` as noted above.
        if 'display xml rpc' not in command and warning is True:
            warnings.warn("CLI command is for debug use only!", RuntimeWarning)

            rsp = self.rpc.cli(command, format)
            if isinstance(rsp, dict) and format.lower() == 'json':
                return rsp
            # rsp returned True means <rpc-reply> is empty, hence return
            # empty str as would be the case on cli
            # ex:
            # <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:281f624f-022b-11e6-bfa8">
            # </rpc-reply>
            if rsp is True:
                return ''
            if rsp.tag in ['output', 'rpc-reply']:
                encode = None if sys.version < '3' else 'unicode'
                return etree.tostring(rsp, method="text", with_tail=False,
            if rsp.tag == 'configuration-information':
                return rsp.findtext('configuration-output')
            if rsp.tag == 'rpc':
                return rsp[0]
            return rsp
        except EzErrors.RpcError as ex:
            if str(ex) is not '':
                return "%s: %s" % (str(ex), command)
                return "invalid command: " + command
        except Exception as ex:
            return "invalid command: " + command

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # facts
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def facts_refresh(self, exception_on_failure=False):
        Reload the facts from the Junos device into :attr:`facts` property.

        :param bool exception_on_failure: To raise exception or warning when
                             facts gathering errors out.

        for gather in FACT_LIST:
                gather(self, self._facts)
                if exception_on_failure:
                warnings.warn('Facts gathering is incomplete. '
                              'To know the reason call "dev.facts_refresh(exception_on_failure=True)"',

[docs]class Device(_Connection): """ Junos Device class. :attr:`ON_JUNOS`: **READ-ONLY** - Auto-set to ``True`` when this code is running on a Junos device, vs. running on a local-server remotely connecting to a device. :attr:`auto_probe`: When non-zero the call to :meth:`open` will probe for NETCONF reachability before proceeding with the NETCONF session establishment. If you want to enable this behavior by default, you could do the following in your code:: from jnpr.junos import Device # set all device open to auto-probe with timeout of 10 sec Device.auto_probe = 10 dev = Device( ... ) # this will probe before attempting NETCONF connect """ ON_JUNOS = platform.system().upper() == 'JUNOS' or \ platform.release().startswith('JNPR') auto_probe = 0 # default is no auto-probe # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # property: transform # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def transform(self): """ :returns: the current RPC XML Transformation. """ return self._conn._device_handler.transform_reply @transform.setter def transform(self, func): """ Used to change the RPC XML Transformation. :param lambda value: New transform lambda """ self._conn._device_handler.transform_reply = func # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # OVERLOADS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "Device(%s)" % self.hostname # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('port') in [23, '23'] or kwargs.get('mode'): from jnpr.junos.console import Console instance = object.__new__(Console, *args, **kwargs) # Python only calls __init__() if the object returned from # __new__() is an instance of the class in which the __new__() # method is contained (here Device class). Hence calling __init__ # explicitly. kwargs['host'] = args[0] if len(args) else kwargs.get('host') instance.__init__(**kwargs) return instance else: if sys.version < '3': return super(Device, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) else: return super().__new__(cls)
[docs] def __init__(self, *vargs, **kvargs): """ Device object constructor. :param str vargs[0]: host-name or ipaddress. This is an alternative for **host** :param str host: **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device :param str user: *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses $USER if not provided :param str passwd: *OPTIONAL* if not provided, assumed ssh-keys are enforced :param int port: *OPTIONAL* NETCONF port (defaults to 830) :param bool gather_facts: *OPTIONAL* For ssh mode default is ``True``. In case of console connection over telnet/serial it defaults to ``False``. If ``False`` then facts are not gathered on call to :meth:`open` :param str mode: *OPTIONAL* mode, mode for console connection (telnet/serial) :param int baud: *OPTIONAL* baud, Used during serial console mode, default baud rate is 9600 :param int attempts: *OPTIONAL* attempts, for console connection. default is 10 :param bool auto_probe: *OPTIONAL* if non-zero then this enables auto_probe at time of :meth:`open` and defines the amount of time(sec) for the probe timeout :param str ssh_private_key_file: *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH private key file. This can be used if you need to provide a private key rather than loading the key into the ssh-key-ring/environment. if your ssh-key requires a password, then you must provide it via **passwd** :param str ssh_config: *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file. This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file. By default ~/.ssh/config is queried. :param bool normalize: *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``. If ``True`` then the XML returned by :meth:`execute` will have whitespace normalized """ # ---------------------------------------- # setup instance connection/open variables # ---------------------------------------- hostname = vargs[0] if len(vargs) else kvargs.get('host') self._port = kvargs.get('port', 830) self._gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', True) self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', False) self._auto_probe = kvargs.get('auto_probe', self.__class__.auto_probe) if self.__class__.ON_JUNOS is True and hostname is None: # --------------------------------- # running on a Junos device locally # --------------------------------- self._auth_user = None self._auth_password = None self._hostname = 'localhost' self._ssh_private_key_file = None self._ssh_config = None else: # -------------------------- # making a remote connection # -------------------------- if hostname is None: raise ValueError("You must provide the 'host' value") self._hostname = hostname # user will default to $USER self._auth_user = os.getenv('USER') self._conf_auth_user = None self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = None # user can get updated by ssh_config self._ssh_config = kvargs.get('ssh_config') # but if user or private key is explicit from call, then use it. self._auth_user = kvargs.get('user') or self._conf_auth_user or \ self._auth_user self._ssh_private_key_file = kvargs.get('ssh_private_key_file') \ or self._conf_ssh_private_key_file self._auth_password = kvargs.get( 'password') or kvargs.get('passwd') # ----------------------------- # initialize instance variables # ------------------------------ self._conn = None self._j2ldr = _Jinja2ldr self._manages = [] self._facts = {} # public attributes self.connected = False self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic device methods # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def open(self, *vargs, **kvargs): """ Opens a connection to the device using existing login/auth information. :param bool gather_facts: If set to ``True``/``False`` will override the device instance value for only this open process :param bool auto_probe: If non-zero then this enables auto_probe and defines the amount of time/seconds for the probe timeout :param bool normalize: If set to ``True``/``False`` will override the device instance value for only this open process :returns Device: Device instance (*self*). :raises ProbeError: When **auto_probe** is ``True`` and the probe activity exceeds the timeout :raises ConnectAuthError: When provided authentication credentials fail to login :raises ConnectRefusedError: When the device does not have NETCONF enabled :raises ConnectTimeoutError: When the the :meth:`Device.timeout` value is exceeded during the attempt to connect to the remote device :raises ConnectError: When an error, other than the above, occurs. The originating ``Exception`` is assigned as ``err._orig`` and re-raised to the caller. """ auto_probe = kvargs.get('auto_probe', self._auto_probe) if auto_probe is not 0: if not self.probe(auto_probe): raise EzErrors.ProbeError(self) try: ts_start = # we want to enable the ssh-agent if-and-only-if we are # not given a password or an ssh key file. # in this condition it means we want to query the agent # for available ssh keys allow_agent = bool((self._auth_password is None) and (self._ssh_private_key_file is None)) # open connection using ncclient transport self._conn = netconf_ssh.connect( host=self._hostname, port=self._port, username=self._auth_user, password=self._auth_password, hostkey_verify=False, key_filename=self._ssh_private_key_file, allow_agent=allow_agent, ssh_config=self._sshconf_lkup(), device_params={'name': 'junos', 'local': False}) except NcErrors.AuthenticationError as err: # bad authentication credentials raise EzErrors.ConnectAuthError(self) except NcErrors.SSHError as err: # this is a bit of a hack for now, since we want to # know if the connection was refused or we simply could # not open a connection due to reachability. so using # a timestamp to differentiate the two conditions for now # if the diff is < 3 sec, then assume the host is # reachable, but NETCONF connection is refushed. ts_err = diff_ts = ts_err - ts_start if diff_ts.seconds < 3: raise EzErrors.ConnectRefusedError(self) # at this point, we assume that the connection # has timeed out due to ip-reachability issues if str(err).find('not open') > 0: raise EzErrors.ConnectTimeoutError(self) else: # otherwise raise a generic connection # error for now. tag the new exception # with the original for debug cnx = EzErrors.ConnectError(self) cnx._orig = err raise cnx except socket.gaierror: # invalid DNS name, so unreachable raise EzErrors.ConnectUnknownHostError(self) except Exception as err: # anything else, we will re-raise as a # generic ConnectError cnx_err = EzErrors.ConnectError(self) cnx_err._orig = err raise cnx_err self.connected = True self._nc_transform = self.transform self._norm_transform = lambda: JXML.normalize_xslt.encode('UTF-8') normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', self._normalize) if normalize is True: self.transform = self._norm_transform gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', self._gather_facts) if gather_facts is True: self.facts_refresh() return self
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the connection to the device. """ self._conn.close_session() self.connected = False
@normalizeDecorator @timeoutDecorator
[docs] def execute(self, rpc_cmd, **kvargs): """ Executes an XML RPC and returns results as either XML or native python :param rpc_cmd: can either be an XML Element or xml-as-string. In either case the command starts with the specific command element, i.e., not the <rpc> element itself :param func to_py: Is a caller provided function that takes the response and will convert the results to native python types. all kvargs will be passed to this function as well in the form:: to_py( self, rpc_rsp, **kvargs ) :raises ValueError: When the **rpc_cmd** is of unknown origin :raises PermissionError: When the requested RPC command is not allowed due to user-auth class privilege controls on Junos :raises RpcError: When an ``rpc-error`` element is contained in the RPC-reply :returns: RPC-reply as XML object. If **to_py** is provided, then that function is called, and return of that function is provided back to the caller; presumably to convert the XML to native python data-types (e.g. ``dict``). """ if self.connected is not True: raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self) if isinstance(rpc_cmd, str): rpc_cmd_e = etree.XML(rpc_cmd) elif isinstance(rpc_cmd, etree._Element): rpc_cmd_e = rpc_cmd else: raise ValueError( "Dont know what to do with rpc of type %s" % rpc_cmd.__class__.__name__) # invoking a bad RPC will cause a connection object exception # will will be raised directly to the caller ... for now ... # @@@ need to trap this and re-raise accordingly. try: rpc_rsp_e = self._conn.rpc(rpc_cmd_e)._NCElement__doc except NcOpErrors.TimeoutExpiredError: # err is a TimeoutExpiredError from ncclient, # which has no such attribute as xml. raise EzErrors.RpcTimeoutError(self, rpc_cmd_e.tag, self.timeout) except NcErrors.TransportError: raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self) except RPCError as err: rsp = JXML.remove_namespaces(err.xml) # see if this is a permission error e = EzErrors.PermissionError if rsp.findtext('error-message') == \ 'permission denied' \ else EzErrors.RpcError raise e(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rsp, errs=err) # Something unexpected happened - raise it up except Exception as err: warnings.warn("An unknown exception occured - please report.", RuntimeWarning) raise # From 14.2 onward, junos supports JSON, so now code can be written as # dev.rpc.get_route_engine_information({'format': 'json'}) if rpc_cmd_e.attrib.get('format') in ['json', 'JSON']: if self._facts == {}: self.facts_refresh() ver_info = self._facts['version_info'] if ver_info.major[0] >= 15 or \ (ver_info.major[0] == 14 and ver_info.major[1] >= 2): try: return json.loads(rpc_rsp_e.text) except ValueError as ex: # when data is {}{.*} types if str(ex).startswith('Extra data'): return json.loads( re.sub('\s?{\s?}\s?', '', rpc_rsp_e.text)) else: warnings.warn("Native JSON support is only from 14.2 onwards", RuntimeWarning) # This section is here for the possible use of something other than ncclient # for RPCs that have embedded rpc-errors, need to check for those now # rpc_errs = rpc_rsp_e.xpath('.//rpc-error') # if len(rpc_errs): # raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rpc_errs[0]) # skip the <rpc-reply> element and pass the caller first child element # generally speaking this is what they really want. If they want to # uplevel they can always call the getparent() method on it. try: ret_rpc_rsp = rpc_rsp_e[0] except IndexError: # For cases where reply are like # <rpc-reply> # protocol: operation-failed # error: device asdf not found # </rpc-reply> if rpc_rsp_e.text.strip() is not '': return rpc_rsp_e # no children, so assume it means we are OK return True # if the caller provided a "to Python" conversion function, then invoke # that now and return the results of that function. otherwise just # return the RPC results as XML if kvargs.get('to_py'): return kvargs['to_py'](self, ret_rpc_rsp, **kvargs) else: return ret_rpc_rsp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Context Manager # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._conn.connected and \ not isinstance(exc_val, EzErrors.ConnectError): self.close()