Source code for jnpr.junos.cfg.resource

# stdlib
from pprint import pformat
from copy import deepcopy

# 3rd-party
from lxml.builder import E

# package modules
from jnpr.junos import jxml as JXML

P_JUNOS_EXISTS = '_exists'
P_JUNOS_ACTIVE = '_active'

[docs]class Resource(object): PROPERTIES = [ P_JUNOS_EXISTS, P_JUNOS_ACTIVE ]
[docs] def __init__(self, junos, namevar=None, **kvargs): """ Resource or Resource-Manager constructor. All managed resources and resource-managers inherit from this class. junos Instance of Device, this is bound to the Resource for device access namevar If not None, identifies a specific resource by 'name'. The format of the name is resource dependent. Most resources take a single string name, while others use tuples for compound names. refer to each resource for the 'namevar' definition If namevar is None, then the instance is a Resource-Manager (RM). The RM is then used to select specific resources by name using the __getitem__ overload. kvargs['P'] or kvargs['parent'] Instance to the resource parent. This is set when resources have hierarchical relationships, like rules within rulesets kvargs['M'] Instance to the resource manager. """ self._junos = junos self._name = namevar self._parent = kvargs.get('parent') or kvargs.get('P') self._opts = kvargs self._manager = kvargs.get('M') if not namevar: # then this is a resource-manager instance. setup the list and # catalog attributes, but do not load them now. when the caller # invokes the properties, they will auto-load when empty. self._rlist = [] self._rcatalog = {} return # otherwise, a resource includes public attributes: = [] if self.__class__ != Resource: # if this resource manages others, then hook that # into the :manages: list if hasattr(self, 'MANAGES'): self._manages = self.MANAGES.keys() for k, v in self.MANAGES.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v(junos, parent=self) # setup resource cache-attributes self.has = {} self.should = {} self._is_new = False # now load the properties from the device.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROPERTIES # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def active(self): """ is this resource configuration active on the Junos device? :RuntimeError: if invoked on a manager object """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") return self.has[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] @property def exists(self): """ does this resource configuration exist on the Junos device? :RuntimError: if invoked on a manager """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") return self.has[P_JUNOS_EXISTS] @property def is_mgr(self): """ is this a resource manager? """ return (self._name is None) @property def is_new(self): """ is this a new resource? that is, it does not exist on the Junos device when it was initally retrieved :RuntimeError: if invoked on a manager """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") return self._is_new @property def name(self): """ the name of the resource :RuntimeError: if invoked on a manager """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") raise AttributeError("name is currently read-only") @property def manages(self): """ a resource may contain sub-managers for hierarchical oriented resources. this method will return a list of manager names attached to this resource, or :None: if there are not any """ if hasattr(self, '_manages'): return self._manages return None @manages.setter def manages(self): raise AttributeError("read-only") @property def xml(self): """ for debugging the resource XML configuration that was read from the Junos device """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") return self._has_xml @property def list(self): """ returns a list of named resources """ if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Must be a manager!") if not len(self._rlist): self.list_refresh() return self._rlist @property def catalog(self): """ returns a dictionary of resources """ if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Must be a manager!") if not len(self._rcatalog): self.catalog_refresh() return self._rcatalog # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shortcuts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def D(self): """ returns the Device object bound to this resource/manager """ return self._junos @property def R(self): """ returns the Device RPC meta object """ return self._junos.rpc @property def M(self): """ returns the :Resource: manager associated to this resource """ return self._manager @property def P(self): """ returns the parent of the associated Junos object """ return self._parent # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # PUBLIC METHODS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read(self): """ read resource configuration from device """ self._r_has_init() self._has_xml = self._r_config_read_xml() if self._has_xml is None or not len(self._has_xml): self._is_new = True self._r_when_new() return None # the xml_read_parser *MUST* be implement by the # resource subclass. it is used to parse the XML # into native python structures. self._xml_to_py(self._has_xml, self.has) # return the python structure represntation return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # write # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write(self, **kvargs): """ write resource configuration stored in :should: back to device kvargs['touch'] if True, then write() will skip the check to see if any items exist in :should: """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") if not len(self.should) and 'touch' not in kvargs: return False # if this resource did not previously exist, # then mark it now into :should: if P_JUNOS_EXISTS not in self.should: self._r_set_exists(self.should, True) if self.is_new: self._r_set_active(self.should, True) # construct the XML change structure xml_change = self._xml_build_change() if xml_change is None: return False # write these changes to the device self._r_config_write_xml(xml_change) # copy :should: into :has: and then clear :should: self.has.update(self.should) self.should.clear() return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # activate # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def activate(self): """ activate resource in Junos config the same as the Junos config-mode "activate" command """ # no action needed if it's already active if return False self._r_set_active(self.should, True) return self.write()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # deactivate # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ activate resource in Junos config the same as the Junos config-mode "deactivate" command """ # no action needed if it's already deactive if not return False self._r_set_active(self.should, False) return self.write()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # delete # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def delete(self): """ remove configuration from Junos device the same as the Junos config-mode "delete" command """ # cannot delete something that doesn't exist # @@@ should raise? if not self.exists: return False # remove the config from Junos xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() xml.attrib.update(JXML.DEL) self._xml_hook_on_delete(xml) self._r_config_write_xml(xml) # reset the :has: attribute self._r_has_init() return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rename # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rename(self, new_name): """ rename resource in Junos configuration the same as the Junos config-mode "rename" command """ # cannot rename something that doesn't exist # @@@ should raise? if not self.exists: return False xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() xml.attrib.update(JXML.REN) xml.attrib.update(JXML.NAME(new_name)) self._r_config_write_xml(xml) self._name = new_name return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reorder # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def reorder(self, **kvargs): """ move the configuration within the Junos hierarcy the same as the Junos config-mode "insert" command :kvargs: after="<name>" before="<name>" """ cmd, name = next(kvargs.iteritems()) if cmd != 'before' and cmd != 'after': raise ValueError("Must be either 'before' or 'after'") xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() xml.attrib.update(JXML.INSERT(cmd)) xml.attrib.update(JXML.NAME(name)) self._r_config_write_xml(xml) return True
[docs] def list_refresh(self): """ reloads the managed resource list from the Junos device """ if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Only on a manager!") del self._rlist[:] self._r_list() # invoke the specific resource method
[docs] def catalog_refresh(self): """ reloads the resource catalog from the Junos device """ if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Only on a manager!") self._rcatalog.clear() self._r_catalog() # invoke the specific resource method
def _r_catalog(self): """ provide a 'default' catalog creator method that simply uses the manager list and runs through each resource making a refcopy to the :has: properties """ zone_list = self.list for name in zone_list: r = self[name] self._rcatalog[name] = r.has
[docs] def refresh(self): if not self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Only on a manager!") self.list_refresh() self.catalog_refresh()
[docs] def propcopy(self, p_name): """ proptery from :has: to :should: performs a 'deepcopy' of the property; used to make changes to list, dict type properties """ self.should[p_name] = deepcopy(self.has[p_name]) return self.should[p_name]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # OVERLOADS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITEMS: for read/write of resource managed properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, namekey): """ implements [] to obtain property value. value will come from :should: if set or from :has: otherwise. """ if self.is_mgr: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # use is resource-manager accessing specific index/name # to return resource instance # --------------------------------------------------------------- self._opts['M'] = self if isinstance(namekey, int): # index, not name namekey = self.list[namekey] res = self.__class__(self._junos, namekey, **self._opts) return res # --------------------------------------------------------------- # use-case is resource instance for read property # --------------------------------------------------------------- if namekey in self.should: return self.should[namekey] if namekey in self.has: return self.has[namekey] if namekey in # it's a valid property, just not set in the resource return None raise ValueError("Unknown property request: %s" % namekey) def __setitem__(self, r_prop, value): """ implements []= to set property value into :should: """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") if r_prop in self.should[r_prop] = value else: raise ValueError("Uknown property request: %s" % r_prop) def __call__(self, **kvargs): """ alternative way to set property values as aggregation of key/value pairs. this will automatically call :write(): when completed. """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("Not on a manager!") if not kvargs: return False # validate property names first! for p_name, p_val in kvargs.items(): if p_name not in raise ValueError("Unknown property: %s" % p_name) # now cleared to add all the values self.should.update(kvargs) return self.write() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ATTRIBUTE: for read/write of resource managed properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getattr__(self, namekey): """ returns property value, accessed as attribute <resource>.<property> only for resource instance """ if self.is_mgr: raise RuntimeError("not on a resource-manager") return self[namekey] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if hasattr(self, 'properties') and name in # we can set this name/value in the resource property self[name] = value else: # pass 'up' to standard setattr method object.__setattr__(self, name, value) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRINT/DEBUG # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): """ stringify for debug/printing this will show the resource manager (class) name, the resource (Junos) name, and the contents of the :has: dict and the contents of the :should: dict """ mgr_name = self.__class__.__name__ return "NAME: %s: %s\nHAS: %s\nSHOULD:%s" % \ (mgr_name, self._name, pformat(self.has), pformat(self.should)) \ if not self.is_mgr \ else "Resource Manager: %s" % mgr_name # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITERATOR # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self): """ iterate through each Resource in the Manager list """ for name in self.list: yield self[name] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML reading # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _r_config_read_xml(self): """ read the resource config from the Junos device """ get = self._xml_at_top() self._xml_hook_read_begin(get) got = self._junos.rpc.get_config(get) return self._xml_at_res(got) def _xml_at_top(self): """ ~| WARNING |~ resource subclass *MUST* implement this! Create an XML structure that will be used to retrieve the resource configuration from the device. """ raise RuntimeError("Resource missing method: %s" % self.__class__.__name__) def _xml_at_res(self, xml): """ ~| WARNING |~ resource subclass *MUST* implement this! Return the XML element of the specific resource from the :xml: structure. The :xml: will be the configuration starting at the top of the Junos config, i.e. <configuration>, and the resource needs to "cursor" at the specific resource within that structure """ raise RuntimeError("Resource missing method: %s" % self.__class__.__name__) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML writing # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _xml_build_change(self): """ iterate through the :should: properties creating the necessary configuration change structure. if there are no changes, then return :None: """ edit_xml = self._xml_edit_at_res() # if there is resource hook to do something # before we build up the xml configuration, # then do that now self._xml_hook_build_change_begin(edit_xml) # if this resource should be deleted then # handle that case and return if not self.should[P_JUNOS_EXISTS]: self._xml_change__exists(edit_xml) return edit_xml # otherwise, this is an update, and we need to # construct the XML for change changed = False for r_prop in if r_prop in self.should: edit_fn = "_xml_change_" + r_prop changed |= getattr(self, edit_fn)(edit_xml) # if there is a resource hook to do something # after we've run through all the property methods # then invoke that now changed |= self._xml_hook_build_change_end(edit_xml) return edit_xml if changed else None def _r_config_write_xml(self, xml): """ write the xml change to the Junos device, trapping on exceptions. """ top_xml = xml.getroottree().getroot() try: result = self._junos.rpc.load_config(top_xml, action='replace') except Exception as err: # see if this is OK or just a warning if len(err.rsp.xpath('.//error-severity[. = "error"]')): raise err return err.rsp return result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # XML edit cursor methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _xml_edit_at_res(self): return self._xml_at_res(self._xml_at_top()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # XML standard properties "writers" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _xml_change_description(self, xml): Resource.xml_set_or_delete( xml, 'description', self.should['description']) return True def _xml_change__active(self, xml): if self.should[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] == self.has[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE]: return False value = 'active' if self.should[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] else 'inactive' xml.attrib[value] = value return True def _xml_change__exists(self, xml): # if this is a change to create something new, # then invoke the 'on-create' hook and return # the results if self.should[P_JUNOS_EXISTS]: return self._xml_hook_on_new(xml) # otherwise, we are deleting this resource xml.attrib.update(JXML.DEL) # now call the 'on-delete' hook and return # the results return self._xml_hook_on_delete(xml) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # XML HOOK methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _xml_hook_read_begin(self, xml): """ called from :_r_config_read_xml(): after call to :_xml_at_top(): and before the config request is made to the Junos device. This hook allows the subclass to munge the XML get-request with additional items if necessary Returns: :True: when :xml: is changed :False: otherwise """ return False def _xml_hook_build_change_begin(self, xml): """ called from :_xml_build_change(): before the individual property methods are invoked. allows the resource to do anything, like pruning stub elements that were generated as part of :_xml_at_top(): Returns: :True: when :xml: is changed :False: otherwise """ return False def _xml_hook_build_change_end(self, xml): """ called from :_xml_build_change(): after all of the properties methods have been processed. Returns: :True: when :xml: is changed :False: otherwise """ return False def _xml_hook_on_delete(self, xml): """ called when an XML write operation is going to delete the resource. Returns: :True: when :xml: is changed :False: otherwise """ return False def _xml_hook_on_new(self, xml): """ called when an XML write operation is going to create a new resource. Returns: :True: when :xml: is changed :False: otherwise """ return False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource HOOK methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _r_when_new(self): """ called by :read(): when the resource is new; i.e. there is no existing Junos configuration """ pass def _r_when_delete(self): """ ~| not used yet |~ """ pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~private~ resource methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _r_set_active(self, my_props, value): my_props[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] = value def _r_set_exists(self, my_props, value): my_props[P_JUNOS_EXISTS] = value def _r_has_init(self): self.has.clear() self.has[P_JUNOS_EXISTS] = False self.has[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] = False @classmethod def _r_has_xml_status(klass, as_xml, as_py): """ set the 'exists' and 'active' :has: values """ as_py[P_JUNOS_ACTIVE] = False if as_xml.attrib.get( 'inactive') else True as_py[P_JUNOS_EXISTS] = True
[docs] @classmethod def xml_set_or_delete(klass, xml, ele_name, value): """ HELPER function to either set a value or remove the element """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) xml.append(E(ele_name, (value if value else JXML.DEL)))
[docs] @classmethod def xmltag_set_or_del(klass, ele_name, value): """ HELPER function creates an XML element tag read-only that includes the DEL attribute depending on :value: """ return E(ele_name, ({} if value else JXML.DEL))
[docs] @classmethod def copyifexists(klass, xml, ele_name, to_py, py_name=None): ele_val = xml.find(ele_name) if ele_val is not None: to_py[(py_name if py_name else ele_name)] = ele_val.text.strip()
[docs] @classmethod def diff_list(klass, has_list, should_list): # covert lists to perform differencing should = set(should_list) has = set(has_list) # return lists (added, removed) return (list(should - has), list(has - should))
def _xml_list_property_add_del_names(self, xml, prop_name, element_name): """ utility method use to process :list: properties. this will add/delete items give the propery type and associated XML element name """ (adds, dels) = Resource.diff_list( self.has.get(prop_name, []), self.should[prop_name]) for this in adds: xml.append(E(element_name, for this in dels: xml.append(E(element_name, JXML.DEL,