Source code for jnpr.junos.device

# stdlib
import os
import six
import types
import platform
import warnings

# stdlib, in support of the the 'probe' method
import socket
import datetime
import time
import sys
import json
import re

# 3rd-party packages
from lxml import etree
from ncclient import manager as netconf_ssh
import ncclient.transport.errors as NcErrors
from ncclient.transport.session import SessionListener
import ncclient.operations.errors as NcOpErrors
from ncclient.operations import RPCError
import paramiko
import jinja2

# local modules
from jnpr.junos.rpcmeta import _RpcMetaExec
from jnpr.junos import exception as EzErrors
from jnpr.junos.factcache import _FactCache
from jnpr.junos.ofacts import *
from jnpr.junos import jxml as JXML
from jnpr.junos.decorators import timeoutDecorator, normalizeDecorator, \
from jnpr.junos.exception import JSONLoadError

_MODULEPATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)

class _MyTemplateLoader(jinja2.BaseLoader):

    Create a jinja2 template loader class that can be used to
    load templates from all over the filesystem, but defaults
    to the CWD and the 'templates' directory of the module

    def __init__(self):
        self.paths = ['.', os.path.join(_MODULEPATH, 'templates')]

    def get_source(self, environment, template):
        def _in_path(dir):
            return os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, template))

        path = list(filter(_in_path, self.paths))
        if not path:
            raise jinja2.TemplateNotFound(template)

        path = os.path.join(path[0], template)
        mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
        with open(path) as f:
            # You are trying to decode an object that is already decoded.
            # You have a str, there is no need to decode from UTF-8 anymore.
            # open already decodes to Unicode in Python 3 if you open in text
            # mode. If you want to open it as bytes, so that you can then
            # decode, you need to open with mode 'rb'.
            source =
        return source, path, lambda: mtime == os.path.getmtime(path)

_Jinja2ldr = jinja2.Environment(loader=_MyTemplateLoader())

class _Connection(object):

    ON_JUNOS = platform.system().upper() == 'JUNOS' or \
    auto_probe = 0          # default is no auto-probe

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: hostname
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def hostname(self):
        :returns: the host-name of the Junos device.
        return self._hostname if (
            self._hostname != 'localhost') else self.facts.get('hostname')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: user
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def user(self):
        :returns: the login user (str) accessing the Junos device
        return self._auth_user

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: password
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def password(self):
        :returns: ``None`` - do not provide the password
        return None  # read-only

    def password(self, value):
        Change the authentication password value.  This is handy in case
        the calling program needs to attempt different passwords.
        self._auth_password = value

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: logfile
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def logfile(self):
        :returns: exsiting logfile ``file`` object.
        return self._logfile

    def logfile(self, value):
        Assigns an opened file object to the device for logging
        If there is an open logfile, and 'value' is ``None`` or ``False``
        then close the existing file.

        :param file value: An open ``file`` object.

        :returns: the new logfile ``file`` object

        :raises ValueError:
            When **value** is not a ``file`` object
        # got an existing file that we need to close
        if (not value) and (self._logfile is not None):
            rc = self._logfile.close()
            self._logfile = False
            return rc

        if sys.version < '3':
            if not isinstance(value, file):
                raise ValueError("value must be a file object")
            import io
            if not isinstance(value, io.TextIOWrapper):
                raise ValueError("value must be a file object")

        self._logfile = value
        return self._logfile

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: timeout
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def timeout(self):
        :returns: the current RPC timeout value (int) in seconds.
        return self._conn.timeout

    def timeout(self, value):
        Used to change the RPC timeout value (default=30 sec).

        :param int value:
            New timeout value in seconds
            self._conn.timeout = int(value)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise RuntimeError("could not convert timeout value of %s to an "
                               "integer" % (value))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: facts
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def ofacts(self):
        :returns: Device fact dictionary
        if self._fact_style != 'old' and self._fact_style != 'both':
            raise RuntimeError("Old-style facts gathering is not in use!")
        if self._ofacts == {} and self.connected:
        return self._ofacts

    def ofacts(self, value):
        """ read-only property """
        raise RuntimeError("facts is read-only!")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: port
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def port(self):
        :returns: the port (str) to connect to the Junos device
        return self._port

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: master
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def master(self):
        The mastership state of the current Routing Engine.

        The current Routing Engine is the RE to which the NETCONF session is

        .. note::
            This property is based on new-style fact gathering and the
            value of currently cached facts. If there is a chance the
            mastership state may have changed since the facts were cached,
            then dev.facts_refresh() should be invoked prior to checking
            this property. If old-style fact gathering is in use,
            this property will return None.

        :returns: True if the current RE is the master Routing Engine. False if
                  the current RE is not the master Routing Engine. None if
                  unable to determine the state of the current Routing Engine.
        master = None

        # Make sure the 'current_re' fact has a value
        if self.facts.get('current_re') is not None:
            # Typical master case
            if 'master' in self.facts['current_re']:
                master = True
            # Typical backup case
            elif 'backup' in self.facts['current_re']:
                master = False
            # Some single chassis and single RE platforms don't have
            # 'master' in the 'current_re' fact. It's best to check if it's a
            #  single chassis and single RE platform based on the
            # 'RE_hw_mi' and '2RE' facts, not the 'current_re' fact.
            elif (self.facts.get('2RE') is False and
                  self.facts.get('RE_hw_mi') is False and
                  're0' in self.facts['current_re']):
                master = True
            # Is it an SRX cluster?
            # If so, the cluster's "primary" is the "master"
            elif self.facts.get('srx_cluster') is True:
                if 'primary' in self.facts['current_re']:
                    master = True
                    master = False
                # Might be a GNF case.
                if (self.re_name is not None and
                        'gnf' in self.re_name and
                        '-re' in self.re_name):
                    # Get the name of the GNF from re_name/
                    # re_name will be in the format gnfX-reY
                    (gnf, _) = self.re_name.split('-re', 1)
                    if gnf + '-master' in self.facts.get('current_re'):
                        master = True
                    elif gnf + '-backup' in self.facts.get('current_re'):
                        master = False
                    # Might be a multi-chassis case where this RE is neither
                    # the master or the backup for the entire system. In that
                    # case, it's either a chassis master or a chassis backup.
                    for re_state in self.facts['current_re']:
                        # Multi-chassis case. A chassis master/backup, but
                        # not the system master/backup.
                        if '-backup' in re_state or '-master' in re_state:
                            master = False
        return master

    def master(self, value):
        """ read-only property """
        raise RuntimeError("master is read-only!")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: uptime
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def uptime(self):
        The uptime of the current Routing Engine.

        The current Routing Engine is the RE to which the NETCONF session is

        :returns: The number of seconds (int) since the current Routing Engine
                  was booted. If there is a problem gathering or parsing the
                  uptime information, None is returned.
        :raises: May raise a specific jnpr.junos.RpcError or
                 jnpr.junos.ConnectError subclass if there is a problem
                 communicating with the device.
        uptime = None
        rsp = self.rpc.get_system_uptime_information(normalize=True)
        if rsp is not None:
            element = rsp.find('.//system-booted-time/time-length')
            if element is not None:
                uptime_string = element.get('seconds')
                if uptime_string is not None:
                    uptime = int(uptime_string)
        return uptime

    def uptime(self, value):
        """ read-only property """
        raise RuntimeError("uptime is read-only!")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: re_name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def re_name(self):
        The name of the current Routing Engine.

        The current Routing Engine is the RE to which the NETCONF session is

        .. note::
            This property is based on new-style fact gathering. If
            old-style fact gathering is in use, this property will return None.

        :returns: A string containing the name of the current Routing Engine or
                  None if unable to determine the state of the current
                  Routing Engine.
        re_name = None

        # Make sure the 'current_re' and 'hostname_info' facts have values
        if (self.facts.get('current_re') is not None and
           self.facts.get('hostname_info') is not None):
            # re_name should be the intersection of the values in the
            # 'current_re' fact and the keys in the 'hostname_info' fact.
            intersect = (set(self.facts['current_re']) &
            # intersect should usually contain a single element (the RE's
            # name) if things worked correctly.
            if len(intersect) == 1:
                re_name = list(intersect)[0]
            # If intersect contains no elements
            elif len(intersect) == 0:
                # Look for the first value
                # in 'current_re' which contains '-re'.
                for re_state in self.facts['current_re']:
                    if '-re' in re_state:
                        re_name = re_state
                if re_name is None:
                    # Still haven't figured it out, if there's only one key
                    # in 'hostname_info', assume that.
                    all_re_names = list(self.facts['hostname_info'].keys())
                    if len(all_re_names) == 1:
                        re_name = all_re_names[0]
                if re_name is None:
                    # Still haven't figured it out. Is this a bsys?
                    for re_state in self.facts['current_re']:
                        match ='^re\d+$', re_state)
                        if match:
                            re_string = 'bsys-' +
                            if re_string in self.facts['hostname_info'].keys():
                                re_name = re_string
        return re_name

    def re_name(self, value):
        """ read-only property """
        raise RuntimeError("re_name is read-only!")

    def _sshconf_lkup(self):
        if self._ssh_config:
            sshconf_path = os.path.expanduser(self._ssh_config)
            home = os.getenv('HOME')
            if not home:
                return None
            sshconf_path = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.ssh/config')
        if not os.path.exists(sshconf_path):
            return None
            sshconf = paramiko.SSHConfig()
            with open(sshconf_path, 'r') as fp:
                found = sshconf.lookup(self._hostname)
                self._hostname = found.get('hostname', self._hostname)
                self._port = found.get('port', self._port)
                self._conf_auth_user = found.get('user')
                self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = found.get('identityfile')
            return sshconf_path

    def display_xml_rpc(self, command, format='xml'):
        Executes the CLI command and returns the CLI xml object by default.

        For example::
          print dev.display_xml_rpc('show version').tag
          print dev.display_xml_rpc('show version', format='text')

        :param str command:
          The CLI command to retrieve XML RPC for, e.g. "show version"

        :param str format:
          The return format, by default is XML.  You can optionally select
          "text" to return the XML structure as a string.
            command = command + '| display xml rpc'
            rsp = self.rpc.cli(command, format="xml")
            rsp = rsp.getparent().find('.//rpc')
            if format == 'text':
                encode = None if sys.version < '3' else 'unicode'
                return etree.tostring(rsp[0], encoding=encode)
            return rsp[0]
            return "invalid command: " + command

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Template: retrieves a Jinja2 template
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Template(self, filename, parent=None, gvars=None):
        Used to return a Jinja2 :class:`Template`.

        :param str filename:
            file-path to Jinja2 template file on local device

        :returns: Jinja2 :class:`Template` give **filename**.

        return self._j2ldr.get_template(filename, parent, gvars)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # property: manages
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def manages(self):
            ``list`` of Resource Managers/Utilities attached to this
            instance using the :meth:`bind` method.
        return self._manages

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # dealing with bind aspects
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def bind(self, *vargs, **kvargs):
        Used to attach things to this Device instance and make them a
        property of the :class:Device instance.  The most common use
        for bind is attaching Utility instances to a :class:Device.
        For example::

            from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config

            dev.bind( cu=Config )
            # ... load some changes

        :param list vargs:
          A list of functions that will get bound as instance methods to
          this Device instance.

          .. warning:: Experimental.

        :param new_property:
          name/class pairs that will create resource-managers bound as
          instance attributes to this Device instance.  See code example above
        if len(vargs):
            for fn in vargs:
                # check for name clashes before binding
                if hasattr(self, fn.__name__):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "request attribute name %s already exists" %
            for fn in vargs:
                # bind as instance method, majik.
                if sys.version < '3':
                        fn.__name__] = types.MethodType(
                        fn.__name__] = types.MethodType(

        # first verify that the names do not conflict with
        # existing object attribute names

        for name in kvargs.keys():
            # check for name-clashes before binding
            if hasattr(self, name):
                raise ValueError(
                    "requested attribute name %s already exists" %

        # now instantiate items and bind to this :Device:
        for name, thing in kvargs.items():
            new_inst = thing(self)
            self.__dict__[name] = new_inst

    def _sshconf_path(self):
        return self._sshconf_lkup()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # probe
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def probe(self, timeout=5, intvtimeout=1):
        Probe the device to determine if the Device can accept a remote
        This method is meant to be called *prior* to :open():
        This method will not work with ssh-jumphost environments.

        :param int timeout:
          The probe will report ``True``/``False`` if the device report
          connectivity within this timeout (seconds)

        :param int intvtimeout:
          Timeout interval on the socket connection. Generally you should not
          change this value, but you can if you want to twiddle the frequency
          of the socket attempts on the connection

        :returns: ``True`` if probe is successful, ``False`` otherwise
        start =
        end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
        probe_ok = True

        while < end:
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                s.connect((self.hostname, int(self._port)))
            probe_ok = False

        return probe_ok

    def cli_to_rpc_string(self, command):
        Translate a CLI command string into the equivalent RPC method call.

        Translates a CLI command string into a string which represents the
        equivalent line of code using an RPC instead of a CLI command. Handles
        RPCs with arguments.

        .. note::
            This method does NOT actually invoke the RPC equivalent.

        :param str command:
          The CLI command to translate, e.g. "show version"

        :returns: (str) representing the RPC meta-method (including
                  attributes and arguments) which could be invoked instead of
                  cli(command). Returns None if there is no equivalent RPC for
                  command or if command is not a valid CLI command.

        # Strip off any pipe modifiers
        (command, _, _) = command.partition('|')
        # Strip any leading or trailing whitespace
        command = command.strip()
        # Get the equivalent RPC
        rpc = self.display_xml_rpc(command)
        if isinstance(rpc, six.string_types):
            # No RPC is available.
            return None
        rpc_string = "rpc.%s(" % (rpc.tag.replace('-', '_'))
        arguments = []
        for child in rpc:
            key = child.tag.replace('-', '_')
            if child.text:
                value = "'" + child.text + "'"
                value = "True"
            arguments.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
        if arguments:
            rpc_string += ', '.join(arguments)
        rpc_string += ")"
        return rpc_string

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # cli - for cheating commands :-)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def cli(self, command, format='text', warning=True):
        Executes the CLI command and returns the CLI text output by default.

        :param str command:
          The CLI command to execute, e.g. "show version"

        :param str format:
          The return format, by default is text.  You can optionally select
          "xml" to return the XML structure.

        .. note::
            You can also use this method to obtain the XML RPC command for a
            given CLI command by using the pipe filter ``| display xml rpc``.
            When you do this, the return value is the XML RPC command. For
            example if you provide as the command
            ``show version | display xml rpc``, you will get back the XML
            Element ``<get-software-information>``.

        .. warning::
            This function is provided for **DEBUG** purposes only!
            **DO NOT** use this method for general automation purposes as
            that puts you in the realm of "screen-scraping the CLI".
            The purpose of the PyEZ framework is to migrate away from that
            tooling pattern. Interaction with the device should be done via
            the RPC function.

        .. warning::
            You cannot use "pipe" filters with **command** such as ``| match``
            or ``| count``, etc.  The only value use of the "pipe" is for the
            ``| display xml rpc`` as noted above.
        if 'display xml rpc' not in command and warning is True:
            # Get the equivalent rpc metamethod
            rpc_string = self.cli_to_rpc_string(command)
            if rpc_string is not None:
                warning_string = "\nCLI command is for debug use only!\n"
                warning_string += "Instead of:\ncli('%s')\n" % (command)
                warning_string += "Use:\n%s\n" % (rpc_string)
                warnings.warn(warning_string, RuntimeWarning)

            rsp = self.rpc.cli(command=command, format=format)
            if isinstance(rsp, dict) and format.lower() == 'json':
                return rsp
            # rsp returned True means <rpc-reply> is empty, hence return
            # empty str as would be the case on cli
            # ex:
            # <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:281f624f-022b-11e6-bfa8">
            # </rpc-reply>
            if rsp is True:
                return ''
            if rsp.tag in ['output', 'rpc-reply']:
                encode = None if sys.version < '3' else 'unicode'
                return etree.tostring(rsp, method="text", with_tail=False,
            if rsp.tag == 'configuration-information':
                return rsp.findtext('configuration-output')
            if rsp.tag == 'rpc':
                return rsp[0]
            return rsp
        except EzErrors.ConnectClosedError as ex:
            raise ex
        except EzErrors.RpcError as ex:
            return "invalid command: %s: %s" % (command, ex)
        except Exception as ex:
            return "invalid command: " + command

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # execute
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def execute(self, rpc_cmd, ignore_warning=False, **kvargs):
        Executes an XML RPC and returns results as either XML or native python

        :param rpc_cmd:
          can either be an XML Element or xml-as-string.  In either case
          the command starts with the specific command element, i.e., not the
          <rpc> element itself

        :param ignore_warning: A boolean, string or list of string.
          If the value is True, it will ignore all warnings regardless of the
          warning message. If the value is a string, it will ignore
          warning(s) if the message of each warning matches the string. If
          the value is a list of strings, ignore warning(s) if the message of
          each warning matches at least one of the strings in the list.

          .. note::
            When the value of ignore_warning is a string, or list of strings,
            the string is actually used as a case-insensitive regular
            expression pattern. If the string contains only alpha-numeric
            characters, as shown in the above examples, this results in a
            case-insensitive substring match. However, any regular expression
            pattern supported by the re library may be used for more
            complicated match conditions.

        :param func to_py:
          Is a caller provided function that takes the response and
          will convert the results to native python types.  all kvargs
          will be passed to this function as well in the form::

            to_py( self, rpc_rsp, **kvargs )

        :raises ValueError:
            When the **rpc_cmd** is of unknown origin

        :raises PermissionError:
            When the requested RPC command is not allowed due to
            user-auth class privilege controls on Junos

        :raises RpcError:
            When an ``rpc-error`` element is contained in the RPC-reply and the
            ``rpc-error`` element does not match the **ignore_warning** value.

            RPC-reply as XML object.  If **to_py** is provided, then
            that function is called, and return of that function is
            provided back to the caller; presumably to convert the XML to
            native python data-types (e.g. ``dict``).

        if self.connected is not True:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)

        if isinstance(rpc_cmd, str):
            rpc_cmd_e = etree.XML(rpc_cmd)
        elif isinstance(rpc_cmd, etree._Element):
            rpc_cmd_e = rpc_cmd
            raise ValueError(
                "Dont know what to do with rpc of type %s" %

        # invoking a bad RPC will cause a connection object exception
        # will will be raised directly to the caller ... for now ...
        # @@@ need to trap this and re-raise accordingly.

            rpc_rsp_e = self._rpc_reply(rpc_cmd_e,
        except NcOpErrors.TimeoutExpiredError:
            # err is a TimeoutExpiredError from ncclient,
            # which has no such attribute as xml.
            raise EzErrors.RpcTimeoutError(self, rpc_cmd_e.tag, self.timeout)
        except NcErrors.TransportError:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)
        except RPCError as ex:
            if hasattr(ex, 'xml'):
                rsp = JXML.remove_namespaces(ex.xml)
                message = rsp.findtext('error-message')
                # see if this is a permission error
                if message and message == 'permission denied':
                    raise EzErrors.PermissionError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e,
                rsp = None
            raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e,
        # Something unexpected happened - raise it up
        except Exception as err:
            warnings.warn("An unknown exception occured - please report.",

        # From 14.2 onward, junos supports JSON, so now code can be written as
        # dev.rpc.get_route_engine_information({'format': 'json'})
        # should not convert rpc response to json when loading json config
        # as response should be rpc-reply xml object.

        if (rpc_cmd_e.tag != 'load-configuration' and
           rpc_cmd_e.attrib.get('format') in ['json', 'JSON']):
            ver_info = self.facts.get('version_info')
            if ver_info and ver_info.major[0] >= 15 or \
                    (ver_info.major[0] == 14 and ver_info.major[1] >= 2):
                    return json.loads(rpc_rsp_e.text)
                except ValueError as ex:
                    # when data is {}{.*} types
                    if str(ex).startswith('Extra data'):
                        return json.loads(
                            re.sub('\s?{\s?}\s?', '', rpc_rsp_e.text))
                        raise JSONLoadError(ex, rpc_rsp_e.text)
                warnings.warn("Native JSON support is only from 14.2 onwards",

        # This section is here for the possible use of something other than
        # ncclient for RPCs that have embedded rpc-errors, need to check for
        # those now.
        # rpc_errs = rpc_rsp_e.xpath('.//rpc-error')
        # if len(rpc_errs):
        #     raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rpc_errs[0])

        # skip the <rpc-reply> element and pass the caller first child element
        # generally speaking this is what they really want. If they want to
        # uplevel they can always call the getparent() method on it.

            ret_rpc_rsp = rpc_rsp_e[0]
        except IndexError:
            # For cases where reply are like
            # <rpc-reply>
            #    protocol: operation-failed
            #    error: device asdf not found
            # </rpc-reply>
            if rpc_rsp_e.text is not None and rpc_rsp_e.text.strip() is not '':
                return rpc_rsp_e
            # no children, so assume it means we are OK
            return True

        # if the caller provided a "to Python" conversion function, then invoke
        # that now and return the results of that function.  otherwise just
        # return the RPC results as XML

        if kvargs.get('to_py'):
            return kvargs['to_py'](self, ret_rpc_rsp, **kvargs)
            return ret_rpc_rsp

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # facts
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def facts_refresh(self,
        Refresh the facts from the Junos device into :attr:`facts` property.
        See :module:`jnpr.junos.facts` for a complete list of available facts.
        For old-style facts, this causes all facts to be immediately reloaded.
        For new-style facts, the current fact value(s) are deleted, and the
        fact is reloaded on demand.

        :param bool exception_on_failure: To raise exception when facts
          gathering errors out. If True when new-style fact gathering is in
          use, causes all facts to be reloaded rather than being loaded on
        :param bool warnings_on_failure: To print a warning when fact gathering
          errors out. The default for old-style facts gathering is
          warnings_on_failure=True. The default for new-style facts gathering
          is warnings_on_failure=False. If True when new-style fact gathering
          is in use, causes all facts to be reloaded rather than being loaded
          on demand.
        :param str, set, list, or tuple keys: The set of keys in facts to
          refresh. Note: Old-style facts gathering does not support
          gathering individual facts, so this argument can only be
          specified when new-style fact gathering is in use. In addition,
          setting exception_on_failure or warnings_on_failure to True causes
          all facts to be immediately refreshed, rather than being refreshed
          on demand. For this reason, the keys argument can not be specified if
          exception_on_failure or warnings_on_failure are True.

        An example of specifying the keys argument as a string:

        An example of specifying the keys argument as a tuple:
        dev.facts_refresh(keys=('hostname', 'hostname_info', 'domain', 'fqdn'))
        or as a list:
        dev.facts_refresh(keys=['hostname', 'hostname_info', 'domain', 'fqdn'])
        or as a set:
        dev.facts_refresh(keys={'hostname', 'hostname_info', 'domain', 'fqdn'})

        :raises RuntimeError:
            If old-style fact gathering is in use and a keys argument is
        if self._fact_style not in ['old', 'new', 'both']:
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown fact_style: %s" % (self._fact_style))
        if self._fact_style == 'old' or self._fact_style == 'both':
            if warnings_on_failure is None:
                warnings_on_failure = True
            if keys is not None:
                raise RuntimeError("The keys argument can not be specified "
                                   "when old-style fact gathering is in use!")
            should_warn = False
            for gather in FACT_LIST:
                    gather(self, self._ofacts)
                    if exception_on_failure:
                    should_warn = True
            if (warnings_on_failure is True and should_warn is True and
               self._fact_style != 'both'):
                warnings.warn('Facts gathering is incomplete. '
                              'To know the reason call '
        if self._fact_style == 'new' or self._fact_style == 'both':
            if warnings_on_failure is None:
                warnings_on_failure = False

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Device(%s)" % self.hostname

[docs]class DeviceSessionListener(SessionListener): """ Listens to Session class of Netconf Transport and detects errors in the transport. """
[docs] def __init__(self, device): self._device = device
[docs] def callback(self, root, raw): """Required by implementation but not used here.""" pass
[docs] def errback(self, ex): """Called when an error occurs. Set the device's connected status to False. :type ex: :exc:`Exception` """ self._device.connected = False
[docs]class Device(_Connection): """ Junos Device class. :attr:`ON_JUNOS`: **READ-ONLY** - Auto-set to ``True`` when this code is running on a Junos device, vs. running on a local-server remotely connecting to a device. :attr:`auto_probe`: When non-zero the call to :meth:`open` will probe for NETCONF reachability before proceeding with the NETCONF session establishment. If you want to enable this behavior by default, you could do the following in your code:: from jnpr.junos import Device # set all device open to auto-probe with timeout of 10 sec Device.auto_probe = 10 dev = Device( ... ) # this will probe before attempting NETCONF connect """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # property: transform # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def transform(self): """ :returns: the current RPC XML Transformation. """ return self._conn._device_handler.transform_reply @transform.setter def transform(self, func): """ Used to change the RPC XML Transformation. :param lambda value: New transform lambda """ self._conn._device_handler.transform_reply = func # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('port') in [23, '23'] or kwargs.get('mode'): from jnpr.junos.console import Console instance = object.__new__(Console, *args, **kwargs) # Python only calls __init__() if the object returned from # __new__() is an instance of the class in which the __new__() # method is contained (here Device class). Hence calling __init__ # explicitly. kwargs['host'] = args[0] if len(args) else kwargs.get('host') instance.__init__(**kwargs) return instance else: if sys.version < '3': return super(Device, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) else: return super().__new__(cls)
[docs] def __init__(self, *vargs, **kvargs): """ Device object constructor. :param str vargs[0]: host-name or ipaddress. This is an alternative for **host** :param str host: **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device :param str user: *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses $USER if not provided :param str passwd: *OPTIONAL* if not provided, assumed ssh-keys are enforced :param int port: *OPTIONAL* NETCONF port (defaults to 830) :param bool gather_facts: *OPTIONAL* For ssh mode default is ``True``. In case of console connection over telnet/serial it defaults to ``False``. If ``False`` and old-style fact gathering is in use then facts are not gathered on call to :meth:`open`. This argument is a no-op when new-style fact gathering is in use (the default.) :param str fact_style: *OPTIONAL* The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are: 'new', 'old', or 'both'. The default is 'new'. The value 'both' is only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future release. The value 'old' is only present to workaround bugs in new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release. :param str mode: *OPTIONAL* mode, mode for console connection (telnet/serial) :param int baud: *OPTIONAL* baud, Used during serial console mode, default baud rate is 9600 :param int attempts: *OPTIONAL* attempts, for console connection. default is 10 :param bool auto_probe: *OPTIONAL* if non-zero then this enables auto_probe at time of :meth:`open` and defines the amount of time(sec) for the probe timeout :param str ssh_private_key_file: *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH private key file. This can be used if you need to provide a private key rather than loading the key into the ssh-key-ring/environment. if your ssh-key requires a password, then you must provide it via **passwd** :param str ssh_config: *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file. This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file. By default ~/.ssh/config is queried. :param bool normalize: *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``. If ``True`` then the XML returned by :meth:`execute` will have whitespace normalized """ # ---------------------------------------- # setup instance connection/open variables # ---------------------------------------- hostname = vargs[0] if len(vargs) else kvargs.get('host') self._port = kvargs.get('port', 830) self._gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', True) self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', False) self._auto_probe = kvargs.get('auto_probe', self.__class__.auto_probe) self._fact_style = kvargs.get('fact_style', 'new') if self._fact_style != 'new': warnings.warn('fact-style %s will be removed in a future ' 'release.' % (self._fact_style), RuntimeWarning) if self.__class__.ON_JUNOS is True and hostname is None: # --------------------------------- # running on a Junos device locally # --------------------------------- self._auth_user = None self._auth_password = None self._hostname = 'localhost' self._ssh_private_key_file = None self._ssh_config = None else: # -------------------------- # making a remote connection # -------------------------- if hostname is None: raise ValueError("You must provide the 'host' value") self._hostname = hostname # user will default to $USER self._auth_user = os.getenv('USER') self._conf_auth_user = None self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = None # user can get updated by ssh_config self._ssh_config = kvargs.get('ssh_config') self._sshconf_lkup() # but if user or private key is explicit from call, then use it. self._auth_user = kvargs.get('user') or self._conf_auth_user or \ self._auth_user self._ssh_private_key_file = kvargs.get('ssh_private_key_file') \ or self._conf_ssh_private_key_file self._auth_password = kvargs.get( 'password') or kvargs.get('passwd') # ----------------------------- # initialize instance variables # ------------------------------ self._conn = None self._j2ldr = _Jinja2ldr self._manages = [] self._ofacts = {} # public attributes self.connected = False self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self) if self._fact_style == 'old': self.facts = self.ofacts else: self.facts = _FactCache(self)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic device methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def connected(self): return self._connected @connected.setter def connected(self, value): if value in [True, False]: self._connected = value
[docs] def open(self, *vargs, **kvargs): """ Opens a connection to the device using existing login/auth information. :param bool gather_facts: If set to ``True``/``False`` will override the device instance value for only this open process :param bool auto_probe: If non-zero then this enables auto_probe and defines the amount of time/seconds for the probe timeout :param bool normalize: If set to ``True``/``False`` will override the device instance value for only this open process :returns Device: Device instance (*self*). :raises ProbeError: When **auto_probe** is ``True`` and the probe activity exceeds the timeout :raises ConnectAuthError: When provided authentication credentials fail to login :raises ConnectRefusedError: When the device does not have NETCONF enabled :raises ConnectTimeoutError: When the the :meth:`Device.timeout` value is exceeded during the attempt to connect to the remote device :raises ConnectError: When an error, other than the above, occurs. The originating ``Exception`` is assigned as ``err._orig`` and re-raised to the caller. """ auto_probe = kvargs.get('auto_probe', self._auto_probe) if auto_probe is not 0: if not self.probe(auto_probe): raise EzErrors.ProbeError(self) try: ts_start = # we want to enable the ssh-agent if-and-only-if we are # not given a password or an ssh key file. # in this condition it means we want to query the agent # for available ssh keys allow_agent = bool((self._auth_password is None) and (self._ssh_private_key_file is None)) # open connection using ncclient transport self._conn = netconf_ssh.connect( host=self._hostname, port=self._port, username=self._auth_user, password=self._auth_password, hostkey_verify=False, key_filename=self._ssh_private_key_file, allow_agent=allow_agent, ssh_config=self._sshconf_lkup(), device_params={'name': 'junos', 'local': False}) self._conn._session.add_listener(DeviceSessionListener(self)) except NcErrors.AuthenticationError as err: # bad authentication credentials raise EzErrors.ConnectAuthError(self) except NcErrors.SSHError as err: # this is a bit of a hack for now, since we want to # know if the connection was refused or we simply could # not open a connection due to reachability. so using # a timestamp to differentiate the two conditions for now # if the diff is < 3 sec, then assume the host is # reachable, but NETCONF connection is refused. ts_err = diff_ts = ts_err - ts_start if diff_ts.seconds < 3: raise EzErrors.ConnectRefusedError(self) # at this point, we assume that the connection # has timed out due to ip-reachability issues if str(err).find('not open') > 0: raise EzErrors.ConnectTimeoutError(self) else: # otherwise raise a generic connection # error for now. tag the new exception # with the original for debug cnx = EzErrors.ConnectError(self) cnx._orig = err raise cnx except socket.gaierror: # invalid DNS name, so unreachable raise EzErrors.ConnectUnknownHostError(self) except Exception as err: # anything else, we will re-raise as a # generic ConnectError cnx_err = EzErrors.ConnectError(self) cnx_err._orig = err raise cnx_err self.connected = True self._nc_transform = self.transform self._norm_transform = lambda: JXML.normalize_xslt.encode('UTF-8') # normalize argument to open() overrides normalize argument value # to __init__(). Save value to self._normalize where it is used by # normalizeDecorator() self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', self._normalize) if self._normalize is True: self.transform = self._norm_transform gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', self._gather_facts) if gather_facts is True: self.facts_refresh() return self
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the connection to the device only if connected. """ if self.connected is True: self._conn.close_session() self.connected = False
@ignoreWarnDecorator def _rpc_reply(self, rpc_cmd_e): return self._conn.rpc(rpc_cmd_e)._NCElement__doc # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Context Manager # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._conn.connected and \ not isinstance(exc_val, EzErrors.ConnectError): self.close()