

class jnpr.junos.device.Device(*vargs, **kvargs)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.device._Connection

Junos Device class.

READ-ONLY - Auto-set to True when this code is running on a Junos device, vs. running on a local-server remotely connecting to a device.

When non-zero the call to open() will probe for NETCONF reachability before proceeding with the NETCONF session establishment. If you want to enable this behavior by default, you could do the following in your code:

from jnpr.junos import Device

# set all device open to auto-probe with timeout of 10 sec
Device.auto_probe = 10

dev = Device( ... )
dev.open()   # this will probe before attempting NETCONF connect
__init__(*vargs, **kvargs)[source]

Device object constructor.

  • vargs[0] (str) – host-name or ipaddress. This is an alternative for host
  • host (str) – REQUIRED host-name or ipaddress of target device, unless sock_fd is provided
  • sock_fd (str) – REQUIRED file descriptor of an existing socket instead of providing a host. Used for outbound ssh.
  • user (str) – OPTIONAL login user-name, uses $USER if not provided
  • passwd (str) – OPTIONAL if not provided, assumed ssh-keys are enforced
  • port (int) – OPTIONAL NETCONF port (defaults to 830)
  • gather_facts (bool) – OPTIONAL For ssh mode default is True. In case of console connection over telnet/serial it defaults to False. If False and old-style fact gathering is in use then facts are not gathered on call to open(). This argument is a no-op when new-style fact gathering is in use (the default.)
  • fact_style (str) – OPTIONAL The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are: ‘new’, ‘old’, or ‘both’. The default is ‘new’. The value ‘both’ is only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future release. The value ‘old’ is only present to workaround bugs in new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release.
  • mode (str) – OPTIONAL mode, mode for console connection (telnet/serial)
  • baud (int) – OPTIONAL baud, Used during serial console mode, default baud rate is 9600
  • attempts (int) – OPTIONAL attempts, for console connection. default is 10
  • auto_probe (bool) – OPTIONAL if non-zero then this enables auto_probe at time of open() and defines the amount of time(sec) for the probe timeout
  • ssh_private_key_file (str) – OPTIONAL The path to the SSH private key file. This can be used if you need to provide a private key rather than loading the key into the ssh-key-ring/environment. if your ssh-key requires a password, then you must provide it via passwd
  • ssh_config (str) – OPTIONAL The path to the SSH configuration file. This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file. By default ~/.ssh/config is queried.
  • normalize (bool) – OPTIONAL default is False. If True then the XML returned by execute() will have whitespace normalized

Closes the connection to the device only if connected.

open(*vargs, **kvargs)[source]

Opens a connection to the device using existing login/auth information.

  • gather_facts (bool) – If set to True/False will override the device instance value for only this open process
  • auto_probe (bool) – If non-zero then this enables auto_probe and defines the amount of time/seconds for the probe timeout
  • normalize (bool) – If set to True/False will override the device instance value for only this open process
Returns Device:

Device instance (self).

  • ProbeError – When auto_probe is True and the probe activity exceeds the timeout
  • ConnectAuthError – When provided authentication credentials fail to login
  • ConnectRefusedError – When the device does not have NETCONF enabled
  • ConnectTimeoutError – When the the Device.timeout() value is exceeded during the attempt to connect to the remote device
  • ConnectError – When an error, other than the above, occurs. The originating Exception is assigned as err._orig and re-raised to the caller.
Returns:the current RPC XML Transformation.
class jnpr.junos.device.DeviceSessionListener(device)[source]

Bases: ncclient.transport.session.SessionListener

Listens to Session class of Netconf Transport and detects errors in the transport.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

callback(root, raw)[source]

Required by implementation but not used here.


Called when an error occurs. Set the device’s connected status to False. :type ex: Exception


exception jnpr.junos.exception.CommitError(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to a commit-check or a commit action.

__init__(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConfigLoadError(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to a failure when loading a configuration.

__init__(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectAuthError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if the user-name, password is invalid

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectClosedError(dev)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if connection unexpectedly closed


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Parent class for all connection related exceptions

__init__(dev, msg=None)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


login host name/ipaddr


login SSH port


login SSH port


login user-name

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectNotMasterError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if the connection is made to a non-master routing-engine. This could be a backup RE on an MX device, or a virtual-chassis member (linecard), for example

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectRefusedError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if the specified host denies the NETCONF; could be that the services is not enabled, or the host has too many connections already.

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectTimeoutError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if the NETCONF session fails to connect, could be due to the fact the device is not ip reachable; bad ipaddr or just due to routing

exception jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectUnknownHostError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if the specific hostname does not DNS resolve

exception jnpr.junos.exception.FactLoopError[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

Generated when there is a loop in fact gathering.

exception jnpr.junos.exception.JSONLoadError(exception, rpc_content)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Generated if json content of rpc reply fails to load

__init__(exception, rpc_content)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

exception jnpr.junos.exception.LockError(rsp)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to attempting to take an exclusive lock on the configuration database.

Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.PermissionError(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to invoking an RPC for which the auth user does not have user-class permissions.

PermissionError.message gives you the specific RPC that cause the exceptions

__init__(rsp, cmd=None, errs=None)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.ProbeError(dev, msg=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError

Generated if auto_probe is enabled and the probe action fails

exception jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError(cmd=None, rsp=None, errs=None, dev=None, timeout=None, re=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Parent class for all junos-pyez RPC Exceptions

__init__(cmd=None, rsp=None, errs=None, dev=None, timeout=None, re=None)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.RpcTimeoutError(dev, cmd, timeout)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to a RPC execution timeout.

__init__(dev, cmd, timeout)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.SwRollbackError(rsp, re=None)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to a SW rollback error.

__init__(rsp, re=None)[source]
Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on
exception jnpr.junos.exception.UnlockError(rsp)[source]

Bases: jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError

Generated in response to attempting to unlock the configuration database.

Cmd:is the rpc command
Rsp:is the rpc response (after <rpc-reply>)
Errs:is a list of dictionaries of extracted <rpc-error> elements.
Dev:is the device rpc was executed on
Timeout:is the timeout value of the device
Re:is the RE or member exception occured on



extract the various bits from an <rpc-error> element into a dictionary


class jnpr.junos.rpcmeta._RpcMetaExec(junos)[source]

Bases: object


~PRIVATE CLASS~ creates an RPC meta-executor object bound to the provided ez-netconf :junos: object

cli(command, format='text', normalize=False)[source]
get(filter_select=None, ignore_warning=False, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve running configuration and device state information using <get> rpc

dev.rpc.get(filter_select='bgp') or dev.rpc.get('bgp')
dev.rpc.get('mpls', ignore_warning=True)
  • filter_select (str) – The select attribute will be treated as an XPath expression and used to filter the returned data.
  • ignore_warning

    A boolean, string or list of string. If the value is True, it will ignore all warnings regardless of the warning message. If the value is a string, it will ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches the string. If the value is a list of strings, ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches at least one of the strings in the list.

    For example:

    dev.rpc.get(ignore_warning='vrrp subsystem not running')
    dev.rpc.get(ignore_warning=['vrrp subsystem not running',
                                'statement not found'])


    When the value of ignore_warning is a string, or list of strings, the string is actually used as a case-insensitive regular expression pattern. If the string contains only alpha-numeric characters, as shown in the above examples, this results in a case-insensitive substring match. However, any regular expression pattern supported by the re library may be used for more complicated match conditions.


xml object

get_config(filter_xml=None, options={}, model=None, namespace=None, remove_ns=True, **kwargs)[source]

retrieve configuration from the Junos device

    options={'format': 'json'})
# to fetch junos as well as yang model configs
# openconfig yang example
dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml='bgp', model='openconfig')
# custom yang example
dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml='l2vpn', model='custom',
# ietf yang example
dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml='interfaces', model='ietf')
# ietf-softwire yang example
dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml='softwire-config', model='ietf',
                   options={'format': 'json'})
Filter_xml:fully XML formatted tag which defines what to retrieve, when omitted the entire configuration is returned; the following returns the device host-name configured with “set system host-name”
config = dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml=etree.XML('''
Options:is a dictionary of XML attributes to set within the <get-configuration> RPC; the following returns the device host-name either configured with “set system host-name” and if unconfigured, the value inherited from apply-group re0|re1, typical for multi-RE systems
config = dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml=etree.XML('''
  • model (str) – Can provide yang model openconfig/custom/ietf. When model is True and filter_xml is None, xml is enclosed under <data> so that we get junos as well as other model configurations
  • namespace (str) – User can have their own defined namespace in the custom yang models, In such cases they need to provide that namespace so that it can be used to fetch yang modeled configs
  • remove_ns (bool) – remove namespaces, if value assigned is False, function will return xml with namespaces. The same xml returned can be loaded back to devices. This comes handy in case of yang based configs
dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml='bgp', model='openconfig',
load_config(contents, ignore_warning=False, **options)[source]

loads :contents: onto the Junos device, does not commit the change.


A boolean, string or list of string. If the value is True, it will ignore all warnings regardless of the warning message. If the value is a string, it will ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches the string. If the value is a list of strings, ignore warning(s) if the message of each warning matches at least one of the strings in the list.

For example:

dev.rpc.load_config(cnf, ignore_warning=True)
                    ignore_warning='vrrp subsystem not running')
                    ignore_warning=['vrrp subsystem not running',
                                    'statement not found'])
dev.rpc.load_config(cnf, ignore_warning='statement not found')


When the value of ignore_warning is a string, or list of strings, the string is actually used as a case-insensitive regular expression pattern. If the string contains only alpha-numeric characters, as shown in the above examples, this results in a case-insensitive substring match. However, any regular expression pattern supported by the re library may be used for more complicated match conditions.

Options:is a dictionary of XML attributes to set within the <load-configuration> RPC.

The :contents: are interpreted by the :options: as follows:

format=’text’ and action=’set’, then :contents: is a string containing
a series of “set” commands
format=’text’, then :contents: is a string containing Junos
configuration in curly-brace/text format
format=’json’, then :contents: is a string containing Junos
configuration in json format

url=’path’, then :contents: is a None

<otherwise> :contents: is XML structure