Source code for jnpr.junos.factory.factory_cls

# stdlib
from copy import deepcopy

# local
from jnpr.junos.factory.cfgtable import CfgTable
from jnpr.junos.factory.optable import OpTable
from jnpr.junos.factory.cmdtable import CMDTable
from jnpr.junos.factory.table import Table

from jnpr.junos.factory.view import View
from jnpr.junos.factory.cmdview import CMDView

from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config

[docs]def FactoryCfgTable(table_name=None, data_dict={}): if table_name is None: table_name = "CfgTable" if "set" in data_dict.keys(): new_cls = type(table_name, (CfgTable, Config), {}) else: new_cls = type(table_name, (CfgTable,), {}) new_cls.DEFINE = deepcopy(data_dict) new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "CfgTable") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryOpTable( cmd, args=None, args_key=None, item=None, key=OpTable.ITEM_NAME_XPATH, view=None, table_name=None, use_filter=True, ): if table_name is None: table_name = "OpTable." + cmd new_cls = type(table_name, (OpTable,), {}) new_cls.GET_RPC = cmd new_cls.GET_ARGS = args or {} if args_key is not None: new_cls.GET_KEY = args_key new_cls.ITEM_XPATH = item new_cls.ITEM_NAME_XPATH = key new_cls.VIEW = view new_cls.USE_FILTER = use_filter new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "OpTable") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryCMDTable( cmd, args=None, item=None, key_items=None, key="name", view=None, table_name=None, title=None, delimiter=None, eval=None, platform="juniper_junos", use_textfsm=False, **kwargs ): new_cls = type(table_name, (CMDTable,), {}) new_cls.GET_CMD = cmd if "target" in kwargs: new_cls.TARGET = kwargs["target"] new_cls.KEY_ITEMS = key_items new_cls.CMD_ARGS = args or {} new_cls.ITEM = item new_cls.KEY = key new_cls.VIEW = view new_cls.TITLE = title new_cls.DELIMITER = delimiter new_cls.EVAL = eval new_cls.PLATFORM = platform new_cls.USE_TEXTFSM = use_textfsm new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "CMDTable") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryCMDChildTable( title=None, regex=None, key="name", delimiter=None, table_name=None, view=None, key_items=None, item=None, eval=None, ): new_cls = type(table_name, (CMDTable,), {}) new_cls.DELIMITER = delimiter new_cls.KEY = key new_cls.REGEX = regex new_cls.TITLE = title new_cls.VIEW = view new_cls.KEY_ITEMS = key_items new_cls.ITEM = item new_cls.EVAL = eval new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "CMDTable") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryTable( item, key=Table.ITEM_NAME_XPATH, view=None, table_name=None, use_filter=True ): if table_name is None: table_name = "Table." + item new_cls = type(table_name, (Table,), {}) new_cls.ITEM_XPATH = item new_cls.ITEM_NAME_XPATH = key new_cls.VIEW = view new_cls.USE_FILTER = use_filter new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "Table") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryView(fields, **kvargs): """ :fields: dictionary of fields, structure of which is ~internal~ and should not be defined explicitly. use the RunstatMaker.Fields() mechanism to create theserather than hardcoding the dictionary structures; since they might change over time. :kvargs: 'view_name' to name the class. this could be useful for debug or eventual callback mechanisms. 'groups' is a dict of name/xpath assocaited to fields this technique would be used to extract fields from node-set elements like port <if-device-flags>. 'extends' names the base View class to extend. using this technique you can add to existing defined Views. """ view_name = kvargs.get("view_name", "RunstatView") new_cls = type(view_name, (View,), {}) if "extends" in kvargs: base_cls = kvargs["extends"] new_cls.FIELDS = deepcopy(base_cls.FIELDS) new_cls.FIELDS.update(fields) if "groups" in kvargs: new_cls.GROUPS = deepcopy(base_cls.GROUPS) new_cls.GROUPS.update(kvargs["groups"]) else: new_cls.FIELDS = fields new_cls.GROUPS = kvargs["groups"] if "groups" in kvargs else None if "eval" in kvargs: new_cls.EVAL = kvargs["eval"] new_cls.FIELDS.update(kvargs["eval"]) new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "View") return new_cls
[docs]def FactoryCMDView(fields, **kvargs): """ :fields: dictionary of fields, structure of which is ~internal~ and should not be defined explicitly. use the RunstatMaker.Fields() mechanism to create theserather than hardcoding the dictionary structures; since they might change over time. :kvargs: 'view_name' to name the class. this could be useful for debug or eventual callback mechanisms. 'groups' is a dict of name/xpath assocaited to fields this technique would be used to extract fields from node-set elements like port <if-device-flags>. 'extends' names the base View class to extend. using this technique you can add to existing defined Views. """ view_name = kvargs.get("view_name", "RunstatView") new_cls = type(view_name, (CMDView,), {}) if "columns" in kvargs: new_cls.COLUMNS = deepcopy(kvargs["columns"]) elif "title" in kvargs: new_cls.TITLE = deepcopy(kvargs["title"]) if "regex" in kvargs: new_cls.REGEX = deepcopy(kvargs["regex"]) if "exists" in kvargs: new_cls.EXISTS = deepcopy(kvargs["exists"]) if "filters" in kvargs: new_cls.FILTERS = deepcopy(kvargs["filters"]) if fields is not None: new_cls.FIELDS = fields if "eval" in kvargs: new_cls.EVAL = kvargs["eval"] # new_cls.FIELDS.update(kvargs['eval']) new_cls.__module__ = __name__.replace("factory_cls", "CMDView") return new_cls