Source code for jnpr.junos.utils.start_shell

from select import select
import re
import datetime
from jnpr.junos.utils.ssh_client import open_ssh_client

_SHELL_PROMPT = "(%|#|\$)\s"
_RECVSZ = 1024

[docs]class StartShell(object): """ Junos shell execution utility. This utility is written to support the "context manager" design pattern. For example:: def _ssh_exec(self, command): with StartShell(self._dev) as sh: got = return got """
[docs] def __init__(self, nc, timeout=30): """ Utility Constructor :param Device nc: The Device object :param int timeout: Timeout value in seconds to wait for expected string/pattern. """ self._nc = nc self.timeout = timeout self._client = None self._chan = None
[docs] def wait_for(self, this=_SHELL_PROMPT, timeout=0, sleep=0): """ Wait for the result of the command, expecting **this** prompt. :param str this: expected string/pattern. :param int timeout: Timeout value in seconds to wait for expected string/pattern. If not specified defaults to self.timeout. :param seconds sleep: Time to wait after initial call to receive data from buffer. This value can help stabilize the output when multiple calls to run() are looped but will increase the time spent receiving output. This value can be a floating point number for subsecond precision. :returns: resulting string of data in a list :rtype: list .. warning:: need to add a timeout safeguard """ chan = self._chan got = [] timeout = timeout or self.timeout timeout = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) while timeout > rd, wr, err = select([chan], [], [], _SELECT_WAIT) if rd: data = chan.recv(_RECVSZ) if sleep: time.sleep(sleep) if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode("utf-8", "replace") got.append(data) if this is not None and"{}\s?$".format(this), data): break return got
[docs] def send(self, data): """ Send the command **data** followed by a newline character. :param str data: the data to write out onto the shell. :returns: result of SSH channel send """ self._chan.send(data) self._chan.send("\n")
[docs] def open(self): """ Open an ssh-client connection and issue the 'start shell' command to drop into the Junos shell (csh). This process opens a :class:`paramiko.SSHClient` instance. """ self._client = open_ssh_client(dev=self._nc) self._chan = self._client.invoke_shell() got = self.wait_for(r"(%|>|#|\$)") if got[-1].endswith(_JUNOS_PROMPT): self.send("start shell") self.wait_for(_SHELL_PROMPT)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the SSH client channel""" self._chan.close() self._client.close()
[docs] def run(self, command, this=_SHELL_PROMPT, timeout=0, sleep=0): """ Run a shell command and wait for the response. The return is a tuple. The first item is True/False if exit-code is 0. The second item is the output of the command. :param str command: the shell command to execute :param str this: the expected shell-prompt to wait for. If ``this`` is set to None, function will wait for all the output on the shell till timeout value. :param int timeout: Timeout value in seconds to wait for expected string/pattern (this). If not specified defaults to self.timeout. This timeout is specific to individual run call. If ``this`` is provided with None value, function will wait till timeout value to grab all the content from command output. :param seconds sleep: Time to wait after initial call to receive data from buffer. This value can help stabilize the output when multiple calls to run() are looped but will increase the time spent receiving output. This value can be a floating point number for subsecond precision. :returns: (last_ok, result of the executed shell command (str) ) .. code-block:: python with StartShell(dev) as ss: print'cprod -A fpc0 -c "show version"', timeout=10) .. note:: as a *side-effect* this method will set the ``self.last_ok`` property. This property is set to ``True`` if ``$?`` is "0"; indicating the last shell command was successful else False. If ``this`` is set to None, last_ok will be set to True if there is any content in result of the executed shell command. """ timeout = timeout or self.timeout # run the command and capture the output self.send(command) got = "".join(self.wait_for(this, timeout, sleep=sleep)) self.last_ok = False if this is None: self.last_ok = got is not "" elif this != _SHELL_PROMPT: self.last_ok ="{}\s?$".format(this), got) is not None elif"{}\s?$".format(_SHELL_PROMPT), got) is not None: # use $? to get the exit code of the command self.send("echo $?") rc = "".join(self.wait_for(_SHELL_PROMPT)) self.last_ok = rc.find("\r\n0\r\n") > 0 return (self.last_ok, got)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTEXT MANAGER # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_ty, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()