Table & View

Tutorial page for PyEZ table and view

Table & View for Structured output

Understanding Junos PyEZ Tables and Views for structured (xml) output

Table & View for UnStructured output

PyEZ table/view is extended to parse unstructured data. for example VTY commands and CLI output for which we don’t have structured (xml) output and convert them to JSON.

Table Keywords

YAML definition to fetch command output from Junos device.



Table name

User-defined Table identifier.


CLI/VTY command to be executed.


(Optional) If the command is vty, provide the targeted fpc.


(Optional) Commmand can be a jinja template. args takes key/value pair, value associated with a given key is used to render command template.


(Optional) Defines key to be used while forming JSON.


(Optional) Only get the data for given keys in this list.


(Optional) This is used to split whole data in different sections which become the iterable reference for the associated View.

If item is ‘*’, parsing is done on whole string blob and not on each line.

Item can also be regular expression, where regular expression is used to get key.


(Optional) Title help in defining from which section the data should be parsed.


(Optional) delimiter to be used to split data of each line and store them as key value pair in the dictionary.


(Optional) Mathematical expression which can be evaluated using python eval function. This can be used on data dictionary which is returned by table view.


(Optional) View that is used to extract field data from the Table items.

Table name

The Table name is a user-defined identifier for the Table. The YAML file or string can contain one or more Tables. The start of the YAML document must be left justified. For example:

    command: show memory


Command to be executed on CLI or VTY:

# CLI command
    command: show chassis ethernet-switch statistics

# VTY command to be exectued on target FPC1
  command: show cmerror module brief
  target: fpc1


Target FPC on which given command is to get executed:

# VTY command to be exectued on target FPC1
    command: show memory
    target: fpc1

Given FPC target in Table can be overridden through get API:

from jnpr.junos.command.fpcmemory import FPCMemory

stats = FPCMemory(dev)
stats = stats.get(target='fpc2')


CLI/VTY command can take parameter(s). Variable parameters in the command can be Jinja template, dictionary under args is used to render command template:

  command: show xmchip {{ XM_instance }} ifd list {{ direction }}
  target: fpc1
    XM_instance: 0
    direction: 0


The optional key property is a tag or tags that are used to uniquely identify a Table:

# Value of task_name key will be taken from the dictionary created from view
  command: show task io
  key: task_name
  view: TaskIOView

    task_name: Task Name
    reads: Reads
    writes: Writes
    rcvd: Rcvd
    sent: Sent
    dropped: Dropped

# Key can be a list also
  command: show ipv4 address
  target: fpc1
    - name
    - addr
  view: FPCIPV4AddressView

    index: Index
    addr: Address
    name: Name


The optional key_items property is used to select only certain key data in JSON:

    command: show memory
    target: fpc1
    key: ID
      - 1
      - 2
    view: FPCMemoryView

        id: ID
        base: Base
        total: Total(b)
        free: Free(b)
        used: Used(b)
        perc: "%"
        name: Name

Output for show memory is:

ID        Base      Total(b)       Free(b)       Used(b)   %   Name
--  ----------   -----------   -----------   -----------  ---   -----------
0    4d9ad8e8    1726292636    1514622708     211669928   12  Kernel
1    b47ffb88      67108860      53057404      14051456   20  LAN buffer
2    bcdfffe0      52428784      52428784             0    0  Blob
3    b87ffb88      73400316      73400316             0    0  ISSU scratch

Even though we have four ID row here, data returned will be for just 1 & 2 as provided in key_items:

{1: {'base': 'b47ffb88',
     'free': 53057404,
     'id': 1,
     'name': 'LAN buffer',
     'perc': 20,
     'total': 67108860,
     'used': 14051456},
 2: {'base': 'bcdfffe0',
     'free': 52428784,
     'id': 2,
     'name': 'Blob',
     'perc': 0,
     'total': 52428784,
     'used': 0}}


The item value is a string or regular expression to split the output in sections.

Say the out of the command show devices local is:

TSEC Ethernet Device Driver: .le1, Control 0x4296c218, (1000Mbit)
HW reg base 0xff724000
  [0]: TxBD base 0x7853ce20, RxBD Base 0x7853d640
  [1]: TxBD base 0x7853d860, RxBD Base 0x7853e080
  [2]: TxBD base 0x7853e2a0, RxBD Base 0x785422c0
  [3]: TxBD base 0x785426e0, RxBD Base 0x78544700
  185584608 bytes, 2250212 packets, 0 FCS errors, 0 multicast packets
  107271 broadcast packets, 0 control frame packets
  0 PAUSE frame packets, 0 unknown OP codes
  0 alignment errors, 0 frame length errors
  0 code errors, 0 carrier sense errors
  0 undersize packets, 0 oversize packets
  0 fragments, 0 jabbers, 0 drops
Receive per queue:
  [0]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [1]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [2]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [3]: 203586808 bytes, 2250219 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  288184646 bytes, 2038370 packets, 0 multicast packets
  106531 broadcast packets, 0 PAUSE control frames
  0 deferral packets, 0 excessive deferral packets
  0 single collision packets, 0 multiple collision packets
  0 late collision packets, 0 excessive collision packets
  0 total collisions, 0 drop frames, 0 jabber frames
  0 FCS errors, 0 control frames, 0 oversize frames
  0 undersize frames, 0 fragments frames
Transmit per queue:
  [0]:   10300254 bytes,        72537 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [1]:    4474302 bytes,       106531 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [2]:  260203538 bytes,      1857137 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [3]:     199334 bytes,         2179 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
TSEC status counters:
kernel_dropped:0, rx_large:0 rx_short: 0
rx_nonoctet: 0, rx_crcerr: 0, rx_overrun: 0
rx_bsy: 0,rx_babr:0, rx_trunc: 0
rx_length_errors: 0, rx_frame_errors: 0 rx_crc_errors: 0
rx_errors: 0, rx_ints: 2250110, collisions: 0
eberr:0, tx_babt: 0, tx_underrun: 0
tx_timeout: 0, tx_timeout: 0,tx_window_errors: 0
tx_aborted_errors: 0, tx_ints: 2038385, resets: 1

TSEC Ethernet Device Driver: .le3, Control 0x42979220, (1000Mbit)
HW reg base 0xff726000
  [0]: TxBD base 0x78545720, RxBD Base 0x78545f40
  [1]: TxBD base 0x78546160, RxBD Base 0x78546980
  [2]: TxBD base 0x78546ba0, RxBD Base 0x7854abc0
  [3]: TxBD base 0x7854afe0, RxBD Base 0x7854d000
  0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 FCS errors, 0 multicast packets
  0 broadcast packets, 0 control frame packets
  0 PAUSE frame packets, 0 unknown OP codes
  0 alignment errors, 0 frame length errors
  0 code errors, 0 carrier sense errors
  0 undersize packets, 0 oversize packets
  0 fragments, 0 jabbers, 0 drops
Receive per queue:
  [0]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [1]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [2]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  [3]: 0 bytes, 0 packets, 0 dropped
        0 jumbo, 0 truncated jumbo
  6817984 bytes, 106531 packets, 0 multicast packets
  106531 broadcast packets, 0 PAUSE control frames
  0 deferral packets, 0 excessive deferral packets
  0 single collision packets, 0 multiple collision packets
  0 late collision packets, 0 excessive collision packets
  0 total collisions, 0 drop frames, 0 jabber frames
  0 FCS errors, 0 control frames, 0 oversize frames
  0 undersize frames, 0 fragments frames
Transmit per queue:
  [0]:          0 bytes,            0 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [1]:    4474302 bytes,       106531 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [2]:          0 bytes,            0 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
  [3]:          0 bytes,            0 packets
                0 dropped,          0 fifo errors
TSEC status counters:
kernel_dropped:0, rx_large:0 rx_short: 0
rx_nonoctet: 0, rx_crcerr: 0, rx_overrun: 0
rx_bsy: 0,rx_babr:0, rx_trunc: 0
rx_length_errors: 0, rx_frame_errors: 0 rx_crc_errors: 0
rx_errors: 0, rx_ints: 0, collisions: 0
eberr:0, tx_babt: 0, tx_underrun: 0
tx_timeout: 0, tx_timeout: 0,tx_window_errors: 0
tx_aborted_errors: 0, tx_ints: 106531, resets: 1

And the table to parse above output, item is used to split them into sections.:

  command: show devices local
  target: fpc1
  item: 'TSEC Ethernet Device Driver: (\.?\w+),'
  key: name
  view: DevicesLocalView

    TSEC_status_counters: _TSECStatusCountersTable
    receive_counters: _ReceiveTable
    transmit_per_queue: _TransmitQueueTable

key in above table is fetched from the regex group used in item.

item Can also be provided as ‘*’ if we dont want each line matching but from whole output.:

  item: '*'
  title: 'Receive:'
  view: _ReceiveView

    bytes: '(\d+) bytes'
    packets: '(\d+) packets'
    FCS_errors: '(\d+) FCS errors'
    broadcast_packets: '(\d+) broadcast packets'


Title helps in deciding the data to be parsed starting point.:

  item: '*'
  title: 'TSEC status counters:'
  view: _TSECStatusCountersView

    kernel_dropped: 'kernel_dropped:(\d+)'
    rx_large: 'rx_large:(\d+)'

helps to parse data from:

TSEC status counters:
kernel_dropped:0, rx_large:0 rx_short: 0
rx_nonoctet: 0, rx_crcerr: 0, rx_overrun: 0
rx_bsy: 0,rx_babr:0, rx_trunc: 0
rx_length_errors: 0, rx_frame_errors: 0 rx_crc_errors: 0
rx_errors: 0, rx_ints: 2250110, collisions: 0
eberr:0, tx_babt: 0, tx_underrun: 0
tx_timeout: 0, tx_timeout: 0,tx_window_errors: 0
tx_aborted_errors: 0, tx_ints: 2038385, resets: 1


In above table ‘*’ consider whole data as one paragraph.


There are some command output which are just key value pairs. They can be split using given delimiter and converted to JSON. Consider below table:

    command: show link stats
    target: fpc1
    delimiter: ":"

Output for command show links stats:

HDLC keepalives: 0
OSPF Hello: 539156
OAM:  0
BFD:  15
UBFD:  0
LMI:  0
PTP:  0
L2TP:  0
ARP:  4292
ELMI:  0
Unknown protocol: 42

Using given delimiter “:” output is parsed to get:

{'ARP': 4292, 'ELMI': 0, 'SYNCE': 0, 'ISIS': 0, 'BFD': 15, 'PPP LCP/NCP': 0,
'OAM': 0, 'ETHOAM': 0, 'LACP': 0, 'LMI': 0, 'Unknown protocol': 42,
'UBFD': 0, 'L2TP': 0, 'HDLC keepalives': 0, 'LNS-PPP': 0,
'OSPF Hello': 539156, 'RSVP': 0, 'VXLAN MRESOLVE': 0, 'PTP': 0}


Using eval keyword, we can add extra key/value to the final data returned from Table/View. value is evaluated from the Mathematical expression provided by the user. eval expression can use data which can be considered as the dictionary returned from table/view. data should be kept under Jinja template so that PyEZ can replace data with dictonary.


For more details about python eval function. check this Link


  command: show mqss {{ chip_instance }} li interrupt-stats
  target: NULL
    chip_instance: 0
    - li_block
    - name
  view: CChipLiInterruptStatsView
    cchip_errors_from_lkup_chip: "reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [v['interrupts'] for k,v in {{ data }}.items()])"

    li_block: LI Block
    name: Interrupt Name
    interrupts: Number of Interrupts
    last_occurance: Last Occurrence

  command: show xmchip {{ chip_instance }} li interrupt-stats
  target: NULL
    chip_instance: 0
    - li_block
    - name
    cchip_errors_from_lkup_chip: "reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [v['interrupts'] for k,v in {{ data }}.items()])"
  view: CChipLiInterruptStatsView

    li_block: LI Block
    name: Interrupt Name
    interrupts: Number of Interrupts
    last_occurance: Last Occurrence

eval can be used to calculate multile values:

  command: show mqss {{ instance }} drd error-stats
    instance: 0
  target: NULL
  key: Interrupt Name
  item: '*'
  view: CChipDRDErrView
    cchip_drd_wan_errors: sum([v['interrupt_count_wan'] for k, v in {{ data }}.items() if isinstance(v, dict)])
    cchip_drd_fab_errors: sum([v['interrupt_count_fab'] for k, v in {{ data }}.items() if isinstance(v, dict)])

    cchip_drd_wan_timeouts: 'Total WAN reorder ID timeout errors:\s+(\d+)'
    cchip_drd_fab_timeouts: 'Total fabric reorder ID timeout errors:\s+(\d+)'
    interrupt_name: Interrupt Name
      -         Number of
      - Reorder Engine 0
      - Interrupts
      -   Reorder Engine 1

  command: show xmchip {{ instance }} drd error-stats
    instance: 0
  target: NULL
  key: Interrupt Name
  item: '*'
  view: CChipDRDErrView
    cchip_drd_wan_errors: sum([v['interrupt_count'] for k, v in {{ data }}.items() if k.endswith('_0')])
    cchip_drd_fab_errors: sum([v['interrupt_count'] for k, v in {{ data }}.items() if k.endswith('_1')])

    cchip_drd_wan_timeouts: 'Total WAN reorder ID timeout errors:\s+(\d+)'
    cchip_drd_fab_timeouts: 'Total fabric reorder ID timeout errors:\s+(\d+)'
    interrupt_name: Interrupt Name
    interrupt_count: Number of Interrupts
    - interrupt_count


View is defined how the output from the table to be parsed. Different keyword which can be used with view is defined in next section. Every view will be associated with a table.


  command: show cmerror module brief
  target: fpc1
  key: module
  view: CMErrorView

    module: Module
    name: Name
    errors: Active Errors

View Keywords

Junos PyEZ Tables select specific data from the command reply from devices running Junos OS. A Table is associated with a View, which is used to access fields in the Table items. You associate a Table with a particular View by including the view property in the Table definition, which takes the View name as its argument.

A View maps your user-defined field names to string elements in the selected Table items. A View enables you to access specific fields in the output as variables with properties that can be manipulated in Python. Junos PyEZ handles the extraction of the data into JSON for unstructured command output.

YAML definition to parse command output




(Optional) List of column title as seen in command output


(Optional) List of regular expression to match desired content


(Optional) List of nested tables.


(Optional) If the given statement exists, sets True else False


(Optional) list of column item which should only go to dictionary data


Consider the case where the output of the command is in row/column format. For Example show lkup-asic wedge-client:

Wedge poll thread state  : 'Started'
Total registered clients : 4
CID         Name PfeInst AscIdx            PPEMask   ZoneMask  RordChk     Mode
  0    LUCHIP(0)       0      0 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000ffff 0x0000f000 Disabled   NORMAL
  1    LUCHIP(4)       0      1 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000ffff 0x0000f000 Disabled   NORMAL
  2    LUCHIP(8)       0      2 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000ffff 0x0000f000 Disabled   NORMAL
  3   LUCHIP(12)       0      3 0x0000000000000000 0x000000000000ffff 0x0000f000 Disabled   NORMAL

Client ID       Curr State    Prev State   Last read
    0              NORMAL        NORMAL     6294337620
    1            DISABLED        NORMAL     6294337620
    2            DISABLED        NORMAL     6294337620
    3            DISABLED        NORMAL     6294337620

And we want to parse the data of second section consisting of client id, curr state, previous state and last read. We will define table/view with view declares all columns:

  command: show lkup-asic wedge-client
  target: fpc1
  key: Client ID
  view: LUChipStatusView

    client_id: Client ID
    curr_state: Curr State
    prev_state: Prev State
    last_read: Last read

Output received will be:

{0: {'client_id': 0,
     'curr_state': 'NORMAL',
     'last_read': 6294337620,
     'prev_state': 'NORMAL'},
 1: {'client_id': 1,
     'curr_state': 'DISABLED',
     'last_read': 6294337620,
     'prev_state': 'NORMAL'},
 2: {'client_id': 2,
     'curr_state': 'DISABLED',
     'last_read': 6294337620,
     'prev_state': 'NORMAL'},
 3: {'client_id': 3,
     'curr_state': 'DISABLED',
     'last_read': 6294337620,
     'prev_state': 'NORMAL'}}


In columns we need to provide all column title to help parse the data.

There are situation when column title are spread across multiple line. In such cases columns keys element should be list of words corresponding to their columns.

For command show cmerror module brief with cli output:

Module  Name              Active Errors  PFE       Callback    ModuleData
                                        Specific  Function
1       PQ3 Chip          0              Yes       0x00000000  0x00000000
2       Host Loopback     0              No        0x00000000  0x464295b0
3       CM[0]             0              No        0x41f550f0  0x462f767c

Table/View to parse above output:

  command: show cmerror module brief dummy multiline
  target: Null
  key: module
  view: CMErrorView

    module: Module
    name: Name
    errors: Active Errors
      - PFE
      - Specific
      - Callback
      - Function
    data: ModuleData

Similarly for command show mqss 0 fi interrupt-stats with cli output:

FI interrupt statistics

Stream  Total RLIM  Total       Cell timeout  Total Reorder  Total cell   Total number
        request     PT/MALLOC   Ignored       cell timeout   drops in     of times
        counter     Usemeter                  errors         secure mode  entered into
        saturation  Drops                                                 secure mode
36      0           0           1             1              0            0
128     0           0           1             49             0            0
142     0           0           1             53             0            0
Stream  Stream reconfiguration  Total Error  Total Late  Total CRC Errored
        count due to pointers   Cells        Cells       Packets
        stalled in secure mode
36      0                       0            1           0

Table/View to parse above output:

  command: show mqss {{ chip_instance }} fi interrupt-stats
  target: fpc8
    chip_instance: 0
  key: Stream
  view: CChipFiStatsView

    stream: Stream
      - Total RLIM
      - request
      - counter
      - saturation
      - Total
      - PT/MALLOC
      - Usemeter
      - Drops
      - Cell timeout
      - Ignored
      - Total Reorder
      - cell timeout
      - errors
      - Total cell
      - drops in
      - secure mode
      - Total number
      - of times
      - entered into
      - secure mode


list of regular expression which combined together should match one line. consider command output for show icmp statistics

ICMP Statistics:
          0 requests
          0 throttled
          0 network unreachables
          0 ttl expired
          0 redirects
          0 mtu exceeded
          0 source route denials
          0 filter prohibited
          0 other unreachables
          0 parameter problems
          0 ttl captured
          0 icmp/option handoffs
          0 igmp v1 handoffs
          0 tag te requests
          0 tag te to RE

ICMP Errors:
          0 unknown unreachables
          0 unsupported ICMP type
          0 unprocessed redirects
          0 invalid ICMP type
          0 invalid protocol
          0 bad input interface
          0 bad route lookup
          0 bad nh lookup
          0 bad cf mtu
          0 runts

ICMP Discards:
          0 multicasts
          0 bad source addresses
          0 bad dest addresses
          0 IP fragments
          0 ICMP errors
          0 unknown originators

ICMP Debug Messages:
          0 throttled

ICMP Rate Limit Settings:
        500 pps per iff
        1000 pps total

Here datas are under different title and data is numbers + word(s). Hence the below table/view use regular expression to parse key (numbers) and value (words).


  command: show icmp statistics
  target: fpc1
  view: ICMPStatsView

    discards: _ICMPDiscardsTable
    errors: _ICMPErrorsTable
    rate: _ICMPRateTable

  title: ICMP Discards
  key: name
  view: _ICMPDiscardsView

    value: \d+
    name: '(\w+(\s\w+)*)'

  title: ICMP Errors
  key: name
  view: _ICMPErrorsView

    error: numbers
    name: words

  title: ICMP Rate Limit Settings
  key: name
  view: _ICMPRateView

    rate: numbers
    name: words

Check _ICMPDiscardsTable and _ICMPDiscardsView. title (ICMP Discards) under _ICMPDiscardsTable is used to get to the starting point for parsing. value and name are the keys and corresponding regex value is combined to parse each line. Also in such data key cannot be value, so we can select right hand side data name as the key.

We also define some inbuilt keywords which can be used in place of regular expression. Check _ICMPErrorsView. Below are the list of inbuilt keywords and corresponding expression used.

  • numbers = (pp.Word(pp.nums) + pp.Optional(pp.Literal(‘.’) + pp.Word(pp.nums))).setParseAction(lambda i: ‘’.join(i))

  • hex_numbers = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(pp.nums, min=1)) & pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(‘abcdefABCDEF’, min=1))

  • word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums) | pp.Word(pp.alphas)

  • words = (pp.OneOrMore(word)).setParseAction(lambda i: ‘ ‘.join(i))

  • percentage = pp.Word(pp.nums) + pp.Literal(‘%’)

  • printables = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(pp.printables))

Here pp is coming from (import pyparsing as pp)

When table item is proved, regex is used on the splitted items. Say when item is * regex is used on whole string blob and not combined to parse each line. For example check the output of command show ithrottle id 0:

SENT: Ukern command: show ithrottle id 0

ID  Usage %  Cfg State  Oper State     Name
--  -------  ---------  ----------   --------
  0     50.0       1           1      TOE ithrottle

Throttle Times:             In hptime ticks     In ms
                            ---------------     ------
  Timer Interval                     333333     5.000
  Allowed time                       166666     2.500
  Allowed excess                       8333     0.125
  Start time                      488655082     n/a
  Run time this interval                  0     0.000
  Deficit                                 0     0.000
  Run time max                        17712     0.266
  Run time total               144154525761     2162317

Min Usage Perc:    25.0
Max Usage Perc:    50.0
AdjustUsageEnable: 1

Throttle Stats:
  Starts    : 65708652
  Stops     : 65708652
  Checks    : 124149442
  Enables   : 0
  Disables  : 0
  AdjUp     : 6
  AdjDown   : 4

Table/View used for parsing above output:

  command: show ithrottle id {{ id }}
    id: 0
  item: '*'
  target: fpc1
  view: IthrottleIDView

    min_usage: 'Min Usage Perc:    (\d+\.\d+)'
    max_usage: 'Max Usage Perc:    (\d+\.\d+)'
    usg_enable: 'AdjustUsageEnable: (\d)'
    throttle_stats: _ThrottleStatsTable

    title: Throttle Stats
    delimiter: ":"

Here item is *, hence whole string blob is used to search for given regular expressions.


{'max_usage': 50.0,
'min_usage': 25.0,
'throttle_stats': {'AdjDown': 4,
                    'AdjUp': 6,
                    'Checks': 124149442,
                    'Disables': 0,
                    'Enables': 0,
                    'Starts': 65708652,
                    'Stops': 65708652},
'usg_enable': 1}


grouping is used to get specific data from regex expression. For example. (d+.d+) is used to get the float value from string search expression. if we change expression to Max Usage Perc: (d+).d+ we will get integer part only.


Where the command output has different sections of data which need different logic to parse those subset of data, we can define nested tables under fields section.

For command show xmchip 0 pt stats we have 2 section of data:

SENT: Ukern command: show xmchip 0 pt stats

WAN PT statistics (Index 0)

PCT entries used by all WI-1 streams         : 0
PCT entries used by all WI-0 streams         : 0
PCT entries used by all LI streams           : 0
CPT entries used by all multicast packets    : 0
CPT entries used by all WI-1 streams         : 0
CPT entries used by all WI-0 streams         : 0
CPT entries used by all LI streams           : 0

Fabric PT statistics (Index 1)

PCT entries used by all FI streams           : 0
PCT entries used by all WI (Unused) streams  : 0
PCT entries used by all LI streams           : 0
CPT entries used by all multicast packets    : 0
CPT entries used by all FI streams           : 0
CPT entries used by all WI (Unused) streams  : 0
CPT entries used by all LI streams           : 0

So we defined fields with two nested table each used to parse different subset of data:

  command: show xmchip 0 pt stats
  target: fpc1
  view: XMChipStatsView

    wan_pt_stats: _WANPTStatTable
    fabric_pt_stats: _FabricPTStatTable

  title: WAN PT statistics (Index 0)
  delimiter: ":"

  title: Fabric PT statistics (Index 1)
  delimiter: ":"


{'fabric_pt_stats': {'CPT entries used by all FI streams': 0,
                    'CPT entries used by all LI streams': 0,
                    'CPT entries used by all WI (Unused) streams': 0,
                    'CPT entries used by all multicast packets': 0,
                    'PCT entries used by all FI streams': 0,
                    'PCT entries used by all LI streams': 0,
                    'PCT entries used by all WI (Unused) streams': 0},
'wan_pt_stats': {'CPT entries used by all LI streams': 0,
                  'CPT entries used by all WI-0 streams': 0,
                  'CPT entries used by all WI-1 streams': 0,
                  'CPT entries used by all multicast packets': 0,
                  'PCT entries used by all LI streams': 0,
                  'PCT entries used by all WI-0 streams': 0,
                  'PCT entries used by all WI-1 streams': 0}}

Another example using command output for show ttp statistics:

SENT: Ukern command: show ttp statistics

TTP Statistics:
                   Receive    Transmit
                ----------  ----------
 L2 Packets           4292     1093544
 L3 Packets         542638           0
 Drops                   0           0
 Netwk Fail              0           0
 Queue Drops             0           0
 Unknown                 0           0
 Coalesce                0           0
 Coalesce Fail           0           0

TTP Transmit Statistics:
                   Queue 0     Queue 1     Queue 2    Queue 3
                ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 L2 Packets        1093544           0           0           0
 L3 Packets              0           0           0           0

TTP Receive Statistics:
                   Control        High      Medium         Low     Discard
                ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 L2 Packets              0           0        4292           0           0
 L3 Packets              0      539172        3466           0           0
 Drops                   0           0           0           0           0
 Queue Drops             0           0           0           0           0
 Unknown                 0           0           0           0           0
 Coalesce                0           0           0           0           0
 Coalesce Fail           0           0           0           0           0

TTP Receive Queue Sizes:
 Control Plane : 0 (max is 4473)
 High          : 0 (max is 4473)
 Medium        : 0 (max is 4473)
 Low           : 0 (max is 2236)

TTP Transmit Queue Size: 0 (max is 6710)

Table/View used to parse above output using nested table/view under fields:

  command: show ttp statistics
  target: fpc2
  view: FPCTTPStatsView

    TTPStatistics: _FPCTTPStatisticsTable
    TTPTransmitStatistics: _FPCTTPTransmitStatisticsTable
    TTPReceiveStatistics: _FPCTTPReceiveStatisticsTable
    TTPQueueSizes: _FPCTTPQueueSizesTable

  title: TTP Statistics
  view: _FPCTTPStatisticsView

    rcvd: Receive
    tras: Transmit

  title: TTP Transmit Statistics
  view: _FPCTTPTransmitStatisticsView

    queue0: Queue 0
    queue1: Queue 1
    queue2: Queue 2
    queue3: Queue 3
    - queue2

  title: TTP Receive Statistics
  key: name
    - Coalesce
  view: _FPCTTPReceiveStatisticsView

    control: Control
    high: High
    medium: Medium
    low: Low
    discard: Discard

  title: TTP Receive Queue Sizes
  delimiter: ":"


{'TTPQueueSizes': {'Control Plane': '0 (max is 4473)',
                   'High': '0 (max is 4473)',
                   'Low': '0 (max is 2236)',
                   'Medium': '0 (max is 4473)'},
 'TTPReceiveStatistics': {'Coalesce': {'control': 0,
                                       'discard': 0,
                                       'high': 0,
                                       'low': 0,
                                       'medium': 0,
                                       'name': 'Coalesce'}},
 'TTPStatistics': {'Coalesce': {'name': 'Coalesce', 'rcvd': 0, 'tras': 0},
                   'Coalesce Fail': {'name': 'Coalesce Fail',
                                     'rcvd': 0,
                                     'tras': 0},
                   'Drops': {'name': 'Drops', 'rcvd': 0, 'tras': 0},
                   'L2 Packets': {'name': 'L2 Packets',
                                  'rcvd': 0,
                                  'tras': 7468},
                   'L3 Packets': {'name': 'L3 Packets', 'rcvd': 0, 'tras': 0},
                   'Netwk Fail': {'name': 'Netwk Fail',
                                  'rcvd': 0,
                                  'tras': 173},
                   'Queue Drops': {'name': 'Queue Drops',
                                   'rcvd': 0,
                                   'tras': 0},
                   'Unknown': {'name': 'Unknown', 'rcvd': 0, 'tras': 0}},
 'TTPTransmitStatistics': {'L2 Packets': {'queue2': 0},
                           'L3 Packets': {'queue2': 0}}}


fields in unstructured table/view is different compared to rpc based table/view. For RPC, fields are xpath tags.


If we just need to check if the given string statement is present or not in the command output. we can use exists option. For example

For command output of show host_loopback status-summary:

SENT: Ukern command: show host_loopback status-summary

Host Loopback Toolkit Status Summary:

No detected wedges

No toolkit errors

Table/View defined:

  command: show host_loopback status-summary
  target: fpc1
  view: HostlbStatusSummaryView

    no_detected_wedges: No detected wedges
    no_toolkit_errors: No toolkit errors


{'no_detected_wedges': True, 'no_toolkit_errors': True}


When we are interested in only few keys from the parsed output, we can filter filter out the desired key/value using filters. Filters takes a list of keys from columns items. Final output dictionary should only consist of items listed in filters per iteration of view output.

Consider below table/view:

  command: show cmerror module brief
  target: fpc1
    - module
  view: CMErrorView

    module: Module
    name: Name
    errors: Active Errors
    - errors

Output from command show cmerror module brief:

Module  Name              Active Errors
1       PQ3 Chip          0
2       Host Loopback     0
3       CM[0]             0
4       LUCHIP(0)         0
5       TOE-LU-0:0:0      0
6       LUCHIP(4)         0
7       TOE-LU-0:1:0      0
8       LUCHIP(8)         0
9       TOE-LU-0:2:0      0
10      LUCHIP(12)        0
11      TOE-LU-0:3:0      0
12      XMCHIP(0)         0
13      TOE-XM-0:0:0      0
14      MPC               0
15      GE Switch         0
16      PMB               0
17      JNH               0
18      PRECL:0:XM:0      0
19      PRECL:1:XM:0      0


{1: {'errors': 0}, 2: {'errors': 0}, 3: {'errors': 0}, 4: {'errors': 0},
5: {'errors': 0}, 6: {'errors': 0}, 7: {'errors': 0}, 8: {'errors': 0},
9: {'errors': 0}, 10: {'errors': 0}, 11: {'errors': 0}, 12: {'errors': 0},
13: {'errors': 0}, 14: {'errors': 0}, 15: {'errors': 0}, 16: {'errors': 0},
17: {'errors': 0}, 18: {'errors': 0}, 19: {'errors': 0}}