This file contains the FactoryLoader class that is used to dynamically
create Runstat Table and View objects from a <dict> of data. The <dict> can
originate from any kind of source: YAML, JSON, program. For examples of YAML
refer to the .yml files in this jnpr.junos.op directory.
# stdlib
from copy import deepcopy
import re
from jinja2 import Environment
# locally
from jnpr.junos.factory.factory_cls import *
from jnpr.junos.factory.viewfields import *
__all__ = ["FactoryLoader"]
# internally used shortcuts
_VIEW = FactoryView
_CMDVIEW = FactoryCMDView
_FIELDS = ViewFields
_GET = FactoryOpTable
_TABLE = FactoryTable
_CFGTBL = FactoryCfgTable
_CMDTBL = FactoryCMDTable
_CMDCHILDTBL = FactoryCMDChildTable
[docs]class FactoryLoader(object):
Used to load a <dict> of data that contains Table and View definitions.
The primary method is :load(): which will return a <dict> of item-name and
item-class definitions.
If you want to import these definitions directly into your namespace,
(like a module) you would do the following:
loader = FactoryLoader()
catalog = loader.load( <catalog_dict> )
globals().update( catalog )
If you did not want to do this, you can access the items as the catalog.
For example, if your <catalog_dict> contained a Table called MyTable, then
you could do something like:
MyTable = catalog['MyTable']
table = MyTable(dev)
[docs] def __init__(self):
self._catalog_dict = None # YAML data
self._item_optables = [] # list of the get/op-tables
self._item_cfgtables = [] # list of get/cfg-tables
self._item_cmdtables = [] # list of commands with unstructured data o/p
self._item_views = [] # list of views to build
self._item_tables = [] # list of tables to build
self.catalog = {} # catalog of built classes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a View class from YAML definition
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _fieldfunc_True(self, value_rhs):
def true_test(x):
if value_rhs.startswith("regex("):
return True if bool(re.search(value_rhs.strip("regex()"), x)) else False
return x == value_rhs
return true_test
def _fieldfunc_False(self, value_rhs):
def false_test(x):
if value_rhs.startswith("regex("):
return False if bool(re.search(value_rhs.strip("regex()"), x)) else True
return x != value_rhs
return false_test
def _fieldfunc_Search(self, regex_pattern):
def search_field(field_text):
"""Returns the first occurrence of regex_pattern within given field_text."""
match = re.search(regex_pattern, field_text)
if match:
return match.groups()[0]
return None
return search_field
def _add_dictfield(self, fields, f_name, f_dict, kvargs):
"""add a field based on its associated dictionary"""
# at present if a field is a <dict> then there is **one
# item** - { the xpath value : the option control }. typically
# the option would be a bultin class type like 'int'
# however, as this framework expands in capability, this
# will be enhaced, yo!
xpath, opt = list(f_dict.items())[0] # get first/only key,value
if opt == "group":
fields.group(f_name, xpath)
if "flag" == opt:
opt = "bool" # flag is alias for bool
# first check to see if the option is a built-in Python
# type, most commonly would be 'int' for numbers, like counters
if isinstance(opt, dict):
fields.str(f_name, xpath, **kvargs)
astype = __builtins__.get(opt) or globals().get(opt)
if astype is not None:
kvargs["astype"] = astype
fields.astype(f_name, xpath, **kvargs)
# next check to see if this is a "field-function"
# operator in the form "func=value", like "True=enabled"
if isinstance(opt, str) and opt.find("=") > 0:
field_cmd, value_rhs = opt.split("=")
fn_field = "_fieldfunc_" + field_cmd
if not hasattr(self, fn_field):
raise ValueError("Unknown field-func: '%'" % field_cmd)
kvargs["astype"] = getattr(self, fn_field)(value_rhs)
fields.astype(f_name, xpath, **kvargs)
raise RuntimeError("Dont know what to do with field: '%s'" % f_name)
# ---[ END: _add_dictfield ] ---------------------------------------------
def _add_view_fields(self, view_dict, fields_name, fields):
"""add a group of fields to the view"""
fields_dict = view_dict[fields_name]
# see if this is a 'fields_<group>' collection, and if so
# then we automatically setup using the group mechanism
mark = fields_name.index("_")
group = {"group": fields_name[mark + 1 :]}
# otherwise, no group, just standard 'fields'
group = {}
for f_name, f_data in fields_dict.items():
# each field could have its own unique set of properties
# so create a kvargs <dict> each time. but copy in the
# groups <dict> (single item) generically.
kvargs = {}
if isinstance(f_data, dict):
self._add_dictfield(fields, f_name, f_data, kvargs)
if f_data in self._catalog_dict:
# f_data is the table name
cls_tbl = self.catalog.get(f_data, self._build_table(f_data))
fields.table(f_name, cls_tbl)
# if we are here, then it means that the field is a string value
xpath = f_name if f_data is True else f_data
fields.str(f_name, xpath, **kvargs)
def _add_cmd_view_fields(self, view_dict, fields_name, fields):
"""add a group of fields to the view"""
fields_dict = view_dict[fields_name]
for f_name, f_data in fields_dict.items():
if f_data in self._catalog_dict:
cls_tbl = self.catalog.get(f_data, self._build_cmdtable(f_data))
fields.table(f_name, cls_tbl)
# if we are here, it means we need to filter fields from textfsm
fields._fields.update({f_name: f_data})
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_view(self, view_name):
"""build a new View definition"""
if view_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[view_name]
view_dict = self._catalog_dict[view_name]
kvargs = {"view_name": view_name}
# if there are field groups, then get that now.
if "groups" in view_dict:
kvargs["groups"] = view_dict["groups"]
# if there are eval, then get that now.
if "eval" in view_dict:
kvargs["eval"] = {}
for key, exp in view_dict["eval"].items():
env = Environment()
kvargs["eval"][key] = env.parse(exp)
# if this view extends another ...
if "extends" in view_dict:
base_cls = self.catalog.get(view_dict["extends"])
# @@@ should check for base_cls is None!
kvargs["extends"] = base_cls
fields = _FIELDS()
fg_list = [name for name in view_dict if name.startswith("fields")]
for fg_name in fg_list:
self._add_view_fields(view_dict, fg_name, fields)
cls = _VIEW(fields.end, **kvargs)
self.catalog[view_name] = cls
return cls
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_cmdview(self, view_name):
"""build a new View definition"""
if view_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[view_name]
view_dict = self._catalog_dict[view_name]
kvargs = {"view_name": view_name}
if "columns" in view_dict:
kvargs["columns"] = view_dict["columns"]
elif "title" in view_dict:
kvargs["title"] = view_dict["title"]
if "regex" in view_dict:
kvargs["regex"] = view_dict["regex"]
if "exists" in view_dict:
kvargs["exists"] = view_dict["exists"]
if "filters" in view_dict:
kvargs["filters"] = view_dict["filters"]
if "eval" in view_dict:
kvargs["eval"] = {}
for key, exp in view_dict["eval"].items():
env = Environment()
kvargs["eval"][key] = env.parse(exp)
fields = _FIELDS()
fg_list = [name for name in view_dict if name.startswith("fields")]
for fg_name in fg_list:
self._add_cmd_view_fields(view_dict, fg_name, fields)
cls = _CMDVIEW(fields.end, **kvargs)
self.catalog[view_name] = cls
return cls
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a Get-Table from YAML definition
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_optable(self, table_name):
"""build a new Get-Table definition"""
if table_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[table_name]
tbl_dict = self._catalog_dict[table_name]
kvargs = deepcopy(tbl_dict)
rpc = kvargs.pop("rpc")
kvargs["table_name"] = table_name
if "view" in tbl_dict:
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
cls_view = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_view(view_name))
kvargs["view"] = cls_view
cls = _GET(rpc, **kvargs)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a Get-Table from YAML definition
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_cmdtable(self, table_name):
"""build a new command-Table definition"""
if table_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[table_name]
tbl_dict = self._catalog_dict[table_name]
kvargs = deepcopy(tbl_dict)
if "command" in kvargs:
cmd = kvargs.pop("command")
kvargs["table_name"] = table_name
if "view" in tbl_dict:
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
cls_view = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_cmdview(view_name))
kvargs["view"] = cls_view
cls = _CMDTBL(cmd, **kvargs)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
elif "title" in kvargs:
cmd = kvargs.pop("title")
kvargs["table_name"] = table_name
if "view" in tbl_dict:
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
cls_view = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_cmdview(view_name))
kvargs["view"] = cls_view
cls = _CMDCHILDTBL(cmd, **kvargs)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
kvargs["table_name"] = table_name
if "view" in tbl_dict:
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
cls_view = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_cmdview(view_name))
kvargs["view"] = cls_view
cls = _CMDCHILDTBL(**kvargs)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a Table class from YAML definition
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_table(self, table_name):
"""build a new Table definition"""
if table_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[table_name]
tbl_dict = self._catalog_dict[table_name]
table_item = tbl_dict.pop("item")
kvargs = deepcopy(tbl_dict)
kvargs["table_name"] = table_name
if "view" in tbl_dict:
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
cls_view = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_view(view_name))
kvargs["view"] = cls_view
cls = _TABLE(table_item, **kvargs)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
def _build_cfgtable(self, table_name):
"""build a new Config-Table definition"""
if table_name in self.catalog:
return self.catalog[table_name]
tbl_dict = deepcopy(self._catalog_dict[table_name])
if "view" in tbl_dict:
# transpose name to class
view_name = tbl_dict["view"]
tbl_dict["view"] = self.catalog.get(view_name, self._build_view(view_name))
cls = _CFGTBL(table_name, tbl_dict)
self.catalog[table_name] = cls
return cls
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Primary builders ...
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _sortitems(self):
for k, v in self._catalog_dict.items():
if "rpc" in v:
elif "get" in v:
elif "set" in v:
elif "command" in v or "title" in v:
elif "view" in v and "item" in v and v["item"] == "*":
elif "view" in v:
[docs] def load(self, catalog_dict, envrion={}):
# load the yaml data and extract the item names. these names will
# become the new class definitions
self._catalog_dict = catalog_dict
list(map(self._build_optable, self._item_optables))
list(map(self._build_cfgtable, self._item_cfgtables))
list(map(self._build_cmdtable, self._item_cmdtables))
list(map(self._build_table, self._item_tables))
list(map(self._build_view, self._item_views))
return self.catalog